[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 7: Politics & Government ] 1966The Glorious Revolution of 1688 / by Maurice Ashley. London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1966. Also published: New York : Scribner, 1967, ©1966. See Ch. 8, Political theory and the revolution. B 186 John Locke and government by consent / by Maurice Cranston. // IN: Political ideas / edited by David Thomson. London : Watts, 1966. p. 64-78. Also published in U.S.: New York : Basic Books, 1966. H&W 266; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1966.6 The problem of slavery in Western culture / David Brion Davis. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1966. See p. 118-121, 412-415. B 107 Locke on property / J.P. Day. // IN: Philosophical quarterly. 16 (1966):207-220. Reprinted in: Life, liberty, and property / [edited by] Gordon J. Schochet (1971). p. 107-123. Abstract: BullSig 21:3832. H&W 266; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1966.7; T 265 Locke zwischen Hobbes und Hooker : zu neuen Interpretationen der politischen Philosophie John Lockes / Walter Euchner. // IN: Archives européennes de sociologie. 7 (1966):127-157. See also the Repartee by M. Seliger (1967) LNL 1:9; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1966.10 Estudio preliminar. // IN: La polemica Filmer-Locker sobre la obediencia politica / estudio preliminar de Rafael Gambra (1966) [Locke #209] The role of inheritance in Lockes political theory / David P. Gauthier. // IN: Canadian journal of economics and political science. 32 (1966):38-45. Abstract: IPSA 17:460. LNL 4:22; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1966.12 Reprinted in: Locke / edited by John Dunn and Ian Harris (1997). vol. 1:239-246. Interests and the public interest in English political and social thought, 1640-1700 / J.A.W. Gunn. Thesis (Ph.D.)Oxford University (Nuffield College), 1966. v, 429 leaves. John Locke revisited / by Willmoore Kendall. // IN: Intercollegiate review. 2 (1965/66):217-234. H&W 1983; Y&Y 1966.15 Reprinted in: Willmoore Kendall contra mundum / Willmoore Kendall ; edited by Nellie D. Kendall. New Rochelle, N.Y. : Arlington House, ©1971. p. 418-448. Natural law in seventeenth century political thought / Michael John Langford. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of London (Kings College), 1966. 412 leaves. See Ch. 5, Natural law in Locke (leaves 216-265) Y&Y 1967.28 [sic] John Locke, der Weg der Freiheit. // IN: Über die Regierung / John Locke ; herausgegeben von Peter Cornelius Mayer-Tasch (1966). [Locke #183] Histoire des doctrines politiques en Grande-Bretagne / par Pierre Nordon. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1966. (Que sais-je ; no.1226) See Ch. 5, Puritanisme et retour à léquilibre : Locke (p. 54-64) B 186 [Nardon] Political representation in England and the origins of the American Republic / J.R. Pole. London : Macmillan ; New York : St. Martins Press, 1966. See John Locke (p. 17-26) H&W 1983 The patriarchal content of Stuart political thought : the relation between the family and political obligation in seventeenth-century England / by Gordon Joel Schochet. Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Minnesota, 1966, ©1967. See Ch. 14. “John Locke and the Declaration of independence” / Kenneth D. Stern. // IN: Cleveland-Marshall law review. – 15 (1966):186-195. El pensamiento politico en la América española durante el periodo de la emancipación (1789-1825) : les bases hispánicas y las corrientes europeas / O. Carlos Stoetzer. Madrid : Instituto de Estudios Políticos, 1966. See El constitucionalismo : Locke y Montesquieu (tomo 1:222-247) and La influencia de Locke y Montesquieu en la constitución [de Cádiz, 1812] (tomo 2:206-208) B 107 Aspetti del rapporto persona-proprietà nella concezione giusnaturalistica di J. Locke / Giuseppe Stracuzzi. // IN: Historica : rivista bimestrale di cultura. 19 (1966):210-222. M 228; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1966.30 Jon Rokku no zaisanron = [Locke on property] / Shōji Tanaka. // IN: Yokohama Ichidai kiyō. 155 (1966). Unverified. H&W 1983 |