[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 7: Politics & Government ] 1968Lockes state of nature : historical fact or moral fiction? / Richard Ashcraft. // IN: American political science review. 62 (1968):898-915. See also the comment To the editor by Robert A. Goldwin (vol. 64 (1970):595-596) and reply by Ashcraft (p. 596) Abstracts: IPSA 19:53; HistAbst 21A:3254. H&W 266; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1968.2 Reprinted in: Lockes moral, political and legal philosophy / edited by J.R. Milton (1999). p. 169-186. The origins of American politics / by Bernard Bailyn. New York : A.A. Knopf, 1968. (The Charles K. Colver lectures, Brown University ; 1965) See 1, Sources of political culture (p. 3-58) Three tests for democracy : personal rights, human welfare, collective preference / David Braybrooke. New York : Random House, ©1968. See esp. p. 48-68. The meaning of natural law in Lockes philosophy. See entry in Chapter 3. John Locke, the draft, and the divine right of kings / David J. Dawson. // IN: Persuasion. 5:no. 5 (May 1968):1-20. Reprinted in: The libertarian alternative : essays in social and political philosophy / Tibor Machan, editor. Chicago : Nelson-Hall Co., ©1974. p. 466-477. Y&Y 1974.11 Justice and the interpretation of Lockes political theory / John Dunn. // IN: Political studies. 16 (1968):68-87. Includes Venditio 95 (p. 84-87) Abstract: IPSA 18:965. LNL 4:23; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1968.10 Reprinted in: John Locke, political philosophy / edited with introductions by Vere Chappell (1992). p. 82-101. Locke / Walter Euchner. // IN: Klassiker des politischen Denkens / herausgegeben von Hans Maier, Heinz Rausch, Horst Denzer. München : C.H. Beck, ©1968. Band 2:1-26. LNL 6:22; H&W 1983 Storia della filosofia del diritto / Guido Fassò. Bologna : Il Mulino, 1966-70. See vol. 2 (1968):191-223. M 234; B 186; H&W 1983 Rokku no kazokuron = [Lockes view of the family] / Kimimasa Inoue. // IN: Nara Jyoshidai Bungakukai kiyō = Annual report of studies in the humanities and social sciences (Nara Womens University). 12 (1968):1-24. H&W 1983 Political theory : its nature and uses / George Kateb. New York : St. Martins Press, 1968. (St. Martins series in American politics) See Recommendations concerning powers and scope of government (p. 58-64) Western political theory : from its origins to the present / Lee Cameron McDonald. New York : Harcourt, Brace & World, ©1968. See 12, Locke (p. 321-338) Freedom and rights / A.J.M. Milne. London : G. Allen & Unwin ; New York : Humanities Press, 1968. See The doctrine of natural rights : John Locke (p. 41-47) Rokku seijitetsugaku no deisei katei = [The formation of Locke.s political philosophy] / K. Nagaoka. // IN: Shisō. 531 ([Sept.] 1968):1-19. LNL 4:23; H&W 1983 John Locke / Peter J. Opitz. // IN: Zwischen Revolution und Restauration : politisches Denken in England im 17. Jahrhundert / herausgegeben von Eric Voegelin. München : List, ©1968. (List Hochschulreihe ; Band 1501. Geschichte des politischen Denkens). p. 127-145, 157-159 [notes], 166-167 [bibliography] Y&Y 1968.22; H&W 1983 Epistemologie et philosophie politique chez Hobbes, Locke, et Rousseau / Richard Schottky. // IN: Archives de philosophie. 31 (1968):657-663. Review of Schmidt, Seinserkenntnis und Staatsdenken (1965) Abstract: PhI 1969:543. H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1968.24 The liberal politics of John Locke / by M. Seliger. London : Allen & Unwin, 1968. 387 p. Also published: New York : Praeger, 1969. Reviews: A. Gewirth, Ph.Rev. 79 (1970):571-573 [511-513?]; C. Joyner, W.Pol.Q. 22 (1969):981-982; W. H. Greenleaf, Locke studies (1969); J. J. Jenkins, Recent studies in Locke (1970) H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1968.25; T 328 Stato di natura e stato civile nel pensiero di J. Locke / Giuseppe Stracuzzi. // IN: Historica : rivista bimestrale di culture. 21 (1968):63-75. M 235; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1968.26 Zur Geschichte und Kritik der Lehre von der Gewaltenteilung / von Themistokles Tsatsos. Heidelberg : C. Winter, 1968. (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse ; 1968, 6. Abh.) See Die Entstehung der modernen Gewaltenteilungslehre bei Locke (p. 28-31) H&W 1983 Lockes conception of the conjugal contract and Congreves proviso scene in The way of the world. See entry in Chapter 10. |