[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 7: Politics & Government ] 1980Personality and the dialectic of labour and property : Locke, Hegel, Marx / Chris Arthur. // IN: Radical philosophy. 26 (1980):3-15. Reprinted in: Radical philosophy reader / edited by Roy Edgley and Richard Osborne. London : Verso, 1985. p. 43-68. H&W 1983 Radicalism and Lockean political theory / Richard Ashcraft. Paper presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Folger Institute for Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century Studies, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., March 21-23, 1980. Revolutionary politics and Lockes Two treatises of government : radicalism and Lockean political theory / Richard Ashcraft. // IN: Political theory. 8 (1980):429-486. Abstract: IPSA 31:5087. LNL 12:3; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.3 Reprinted in: (1) Locke / edited by John Dunn and Ian Harris (1997). vol. 1:406-463; and (2) Lockes moral, political and legal philosophy / edited by J.R. Milton (1999). p. 3-60. The Two treatises and the Exclusion Crisis : the problem of Lockean political theory as bourgeois ideology / Richard Ashcraft. // IN: John Locke : papers read at a Clark Library seminar, 10 December 1977 / by J.G.A. Pocock, Richard Ashcraft. Los Angeles : William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles, 1980. p. 25-114. LNL 12:6; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.4 Tacit consent and property rights / Charles R. Beitz. // IN: Political theory. 8 (1980):487-502. Abstracts: IPSA 31:5088; PhI 15. LNL 12:4; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.5 Property and possession : two replies to Locke : Hume and Hegel / Christopher J. Berry. // IN: Property / edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York : New York University Press, 1980. (Nomos ; 22). p. 89-100. Abstract: PhI 15. H&W 1983 The mainstream of Western political thought / Judith A. Best. New York, N.Y. ; London : Human Sciences Press, ©1980. See p. 74-81, 91-93, 96-97. Bluhm, W. T., Wintfeld, N. & Teger, S. H. Lockes idea of God : rational truth or political myth? See entry in Chapter 5. The law of power politics / Francis A. Boyle. // IN: University of Illinois law forum. 1980:901-969. See p. 936-937. The American Indians contribution to government : a statement in political anthropology / Bruce A. Burton. // IN: Anthropological journal of Canada. 18:no. 1 (1980):26-28. Överideologi och politiskt handlingsprogram : en studie i Lockes och Rousseaus tänkande : with an English summary, Ideology and political program of action : a study in the political thought of Locke and Rousseau / Eva-Lena Dahl. [Göteborg] : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, [1980]. xii, 350 p. Gothenburg studies in the history of science and ideas ; 3). Thesis (Ph.D.)Universitas Gothoburgensis. LNL 12:4; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.12 Personal autonomy and Lockes theory of property : with special attention to modern commentators / Frank William Derringh. Thesis (Ph.D.)Columbia University, 1980. ii, 321 leaves. Abstract: DAI 40A:1636. H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.14 Shidonī to Rokku = Algernon Sidney and John Locke : liberty and property / Tadahiro Fukukama. // IN: Tōyō Daigaku Ajia-Afurika Bunka Kenkyūjo kenyū nempō = Annual journal of the Asia-Africa Cultural Research Institute, Toyo University. 15 (1980):1-32. Naturalità della politica e modello di società fra Filmer e Locke / G. Giordanelli. // IN: Bollettino del Dipartimento di filosofia dellUniversità degli studi della Calabria. 3 (1980/81):111-124. Unverified. Locke and Toryism / by Mark Goldie. Paper presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Folger Institute for Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century Studies, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., March 21-23, 1980. The Revolution of 1689 and the structure of political argument : a essay and an annotated bibliography of pamphlets on the allegiance controversy / Mark Goldie. // IN: Bulletin of research in the humanities. 83 (1980):473-564. Property rules and property rights / by James O. Grunebaum. // IN: Pacific philosophical quarterly. 61 (1980):422-432. Two justifications of property / James O. Grunebaum. // IN: American philosophical quarterly. 17 (1980):53-59. Abstract: PhI 14. H&W 1983 Haberman, L. & Schochet, G. J. John Locke, toleration, revolution and private judgment / Louise Haberman, Gordon J. Schochet. Paper presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Folger Institute for Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century Studies, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., March 21-23, 1980. Anglo-American land use attitudes / Eugene C. Hargrove. // IN: Environmental ethics. 2 (1980):121-148. Inventing ignorance / R.S. Hill. // IN: Policy review. 11 (1980):139-148. Review of Wills, Inventing America (1978). Moral development, authoritarian distemper, and the democratic persuasion / Irving Louis Horowitz. // IN: Moral development and politics / edited by Richard W. Wilson, Gordon J. Schochet. New York : Praeger, 1980. p. 5-21 [esp. 10-12] Challenging Lockean liberalism in America : the case of Debs and Hillquit / Mark E. Kann. // IN: Political theory. 8 (1980):203-222. Mister Locke beginnt zu publizieren oder Das Ende der Revolution / von Hermann Klenner. // IN: Bürgerliche Gesellschaft und Staatsgewalt (1980) p. 295-328. Y&Y 1980.23 La desnaturalización de los leyes naturales en el pensamiento de Locke / María Estela Lépori de Pithod. // IN: Boletín de ciencias políticas y sociales (Mendoza, Argentina). 26 (1980):137-144. Lockes arguments for natural rights / Eric Mack. // IN: Southwestern journal of philosophy. 11:no.1 (spring 1980):51-60. LNL 12:6; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.28 Introduction. // IN: Second treatise of government / John Locke ; with an introduction, by C.B. Macpherson. Justice and property / by David Miller. // IN: Ratio. 22 (1980):1-14. Abstract: PhI 1980. H&W 1983 The concept of property and its contemporary significance / Kenneth R. Minogue. // IN: Property / edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York : New York University Press, 1980. (Nomos ; 22). p. 3-27. Abstract: PhI 15. H&W 1983 Locke and the Scottish jurists / James Moore. Paper presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Folger Institute for Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century Studies, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., March 21-23, 1980. Rokku seijitegsugaku ni okeru risei to rekishi = The rational justification and historical description of Lockes Second treatise of government / Ryohei Nagayama. // IN: Kokugakuin hōsei ronsō = Kokagakuin annual review of law and politics. 1 (1980):47-73; 2 (1981):67-91. H&W 1983 Nature and state in Hobbes and Locke : a comparative study of the epistemological grounds of their political theories / E.P. Ndugbu. Thesis (Ph.D.)Catholic University of Louvain, 1980. 295 leaves. Unverified; source/Abstract: DAI 6C:3115. Y&Y 1980.35 The time horizon of planned social change. 1, Why utopian movements always promise amelioration in the future / by Richard Noyes. // IN: American journal of economics and sociology. 39 (1980):65-77. Chattel slavery as the nightmare of the American revolutionaries / F. Nwabueze Okoye. // IN: William and Mary quarterly. 3rd series:37 (1980):3-28. Women and consent / Carole Pateman. // IN: Political theory. 8 (1980):149-168. Reprinted in: Pateman, The disorder of women (1989), pages 71-89. Lockes usufructuary theory of self-ownership / Jeffrey Paul and Ellen Frankel Paul. // IN: Pacific philosophical quarterly. 61 (1980):384-395. An abstract was published in: Noûs. 14 (1980):94. Abstract: PhI 1981:454. LNL 12:6; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.37 Authority and property : the question of liberal origins / J.G.A. Pocock. // IN: After the Reformation : essays in honor of J.H. Hexter / edited by Barbara C. Malament. [Philadelphia] : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1980. p. 331-354. Reprinted in: Pocock, Virtue, commerce, and history (1985). p. 51-71. The ideology of commerce : Josiah Tuckers critique of Locke / J.G.A. Pocock. Paper presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Folger Institute for Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century Studies, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., March 21-23, 1980. The myth of John Locke and the obsession with liberalism / J.G.A. Pocock. // IN: John Locke : papers read at a Clark Library seminar, 10 December 1977 / by J.G.A Pocock, Richard Ashcraft. Los Angeles : William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles, 1980. p. 1-24. LNL 12:6; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.38 Locke and the bourgeois state / Ross Poole. // IN: Political studies. 28 (1980):222-237. Abstract: IPSA 31:201. H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.39 The Anglo-Saxon conservative tradition / Rod Preece. // IN: Canadian journal of political science. 13 (1980):3-32. Includes a comment by W. Christian (p. 785-786) Y&Y 1980.40 The individual, the family and the constitution : a jurisprudential perspective / David A.J. Richards. // IN: New York University law review. 55 (1980):1-62. The ethical argument against government / John T. Sanders. Washington, D.C. : University Press of America, ©1980. See p. 26-40. Abstract: PhI 1981:477. H&W 1983 Schochet, G. J. (ed.) John Locke and the political thought of the 1680s : papers presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Folger Institute for Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century Studies, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., March 21-23, 1980 / compiled by Gordon J. Schochet. ©1980. 10 papers (typescript) Contains: Locke and Toryism / Mark Goldie Locke and his immediate audience : the theory and practice of individual judgement / James Tully John Locke and the theory of natural obligation / John M. Wallace John Locke, toleration, revolution and private judgment / Louise Haberman, Gordon J. Schochet John Locke and the Revolution Whigs, 1680-1689 / Lois G. Schwoerer Contract, constitution and history : contexts of contractualism / Martyn P. Thompson The ideology of commerce : Josiah Tuckers critique of Locke / J.G.A. Pocock Radicalism and Lockean political theory / Richard Ashcraft Locke and the Scottish jurists / James Moore From applied theology to social analysis : the break between John Locke and the Scottish Enlightenment / John Dunn. John Locke and the Revolution Whigs, 1680-1689 / Lois G. Schwoerer. Paper presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Folger Institute for Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century Studies, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., March 21-23, 1980. The material word : some theories of language and its limits / David Silverman, Brian Torode. London ; Boston : Routledge & K. Paul, 1980. See Ch. 10, Lockes text of property (p. 227-244) LNL 12:7; H&W 1983 The origins of the Calvinist theory of revolution / Quentin Skinner. // IN: After the Reformation : essays in honor of J.H. Hexter / edited by Barbara C. Malament. [Philadelphia] : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1980. p. 309-330. Legal evolution : the story of an idea / Peter Stein. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1980. See Ch. 1, The natural law tradition (p. 1-22) Slavery, socialism, and private property / Hillel Steiner. // IN: Property / edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York : New York University Press, 1980. (Nomos ; 22). Abstract: PhI 1981:496. Person, property and civil society in The philosophy of right / by Peter G. Stillman. // IN: Hegels social and political thought : the philosophy of objective spirit / edited by Donald Phillip Verene. New Jersey : Humanities Press ; Sussex : Harvester Press, 1980. p. 103-117. The results of the English revolutions of the seventeenth century / Lawrence Stone. // IN: Three British revolutions : 1641, 1688, 1776 / edited by J.G.A. Pocock. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©1980. (Folger Institute essays). p. 23-108. A propósito de la acumulación de conocimiento : una nota sobre Locke y la democracia / Carlos Strasser. // IN: Crítica y utopía (Buenos Aires). 2 (1980):121-132. H&W 1983 Contract, constitution and history : contexts of contractualism / Martyn P. Thompson. Paper presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Folger Institute for Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century Studies, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., March 21-23, 1980. Reception and influence : a reply to Nelson on Lockes Two treatises of government / Martyn P. Thompson. // IN: Political studies. 28 (1980):100-108. Reply to Nelson, Unlocking Lockes legacy (1978). Abstract: IPSA 31:210. H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.48 A discourse on property : John Locke and his adversaries / James Tully. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1980. xiv, 194 p. Reviews: G. Parry, LNL 12 (1981):108-115; I. Hampsher-Monk, Hist.Pol.Tht. 1 (1980):554-559; J. L. Mackie, Phil.Q. 32 (1982):91-94; A. Reeve, Hist.Eur.Ideas 3 (1982):445-447; K.I. Vaughn, Hist.Pol.Econ. 14:441-444; N. Malcolm, Hist.J. 25:778-780. LNL 11:7; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.49 French translation: Locke, Droit naturel et propriété / James Tully ; trad. Cha´im J. Hutner. Paris : Presses universitaires de France, ©1992. 264 p. (Léviathan). ISBN 2-13-044420-2. Unverified. Mackies review reprinted in: Locke / edited by John Dunn and Ian Harris (1997). vol. 1:555-558. Locke and his immediate audience : the theory and practice of individual judgement / James Tully. Paper presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Folger Institute for Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century Studies, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., March 21-23, 1980. The recrudescence of property rights as the foremost principle of civil liberties : the first decade of the Burger court / William W. Van Alstyne. // IN: Law and contemporary problems. 43:no. 3 (summer 1980):66-82. John Lockes theory of property : problems of interpretation / by Karen I. Vaughn. // IN: Literature of liberty. 3:no. 1 (spring 1980):5-37. An extended bibliographical essay. LNL 19:13 Available online in The Forum at the Online Library of Liberty: http://oll.libertyfund.org/pages/locke-on-property-a-bibliographical-essay-by-karen-vaughn (viewed June 8, 2017); included in The extended edition of John Locke’s Two treatises of government (2014). The date of Sir Robert Filmers Patriarcha / John M. Wallace. // IN: Historical journal. 23 (1980):155-165. H&W 1983 John Locke and the theory of natural obligation / John M. Wallace. Paper presented at a symposium sponsored by the Conference for the Study of Political Thought and the Folger Institute for Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century Studies, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., March 21-23, 1980. The nature of woman : an encyclopedia and guide to the literature / Mary Anne Warren. Inverness, Calif. : Edgepress, ©1980. See Locke, John (p. 282-284) H&W 1983 Money and Lockes theory of property / John A. Weymark. // IN: History of political economy. 12 (1980):282-290. LNL 12:8; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.52 Property as artifice : Hume and Blackstone / Frederick G. Whelan. // IN: Property / edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. New York : New York University Press, 1980. (Nomos ; 22). p. 101-129. Abstract: PhI 1981:518. John Lockes moral justification for economic individualism / by Christopher Joseph White. Thesis (Ph.D.)Purdue University, 1980. viii, 293 leaves. Abstract: DAI 42A:254. H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.53 Locke on suicide / George Windstrup. // IN: Political theory. 8 (1980):169-182. LNL 12:9; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1980.54 Rokku no seijikenryoku ron = [Locke on political power] / Tokihiko Yamasaki. // IN: Rokku kenkū / [edited by] S. Tanaka, A. Hirano (1980) Unverified. H&W 1983 Vom Bewusstsein zum Diskurs. See entry in Chapter 3. |