[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 7: Politics & Government ] 1983Ashcraft, R. & Goldsmith, M. M. Locke, revolution principles, and the formation of Whig ideology / Richard Ashcraft and M.M. Goldsmith. // IN: Historical journal. 26 (1983):773-800. LNL 15:3 The pursuit of happiness in Jefferson and its background in Bacon and Hobbes / Jeffrey Barnouw. // IN: Interpretation : a journal of political philosophy. 11 (1983):225-248 [esp. 243-248]. English literature in history, 1730-80 : an equal, wide survey / John Barrell. London : Hutchinson, 1983. See p. 114-119, a discussion of law and language in Lockes political thought. Atlantis : spunti e appunti su un inedito lockiano. See entry in Chapter 2. Consenso e disobbedienza nel Locke del Il trattato / di Antonella Besussi. // IN: Il politico. 48 (1983):305-336. Includes an English summary. Savages and civilization : references to non-Western societies in the theories of John Locke and John Stuart Mill / Jeanne Clare Blamey. Thesis (Ph.D.)Princeton University, 1983. See John Locke and American tribes (leaves 18-127) Abstract: DAI 44A:1191. Ius gladii and jurisdictio : Jacques Almain and John Locke / J.H. Burns. // IN: Historical journal. 26 (1983):369-374. LNL 15:3 Reprinted in: Locke / edited by John Dunn and Ian Harris (1997). vol. 2:1-6. Les fondements personnalistes de la propriété : examen philosophique / Georges Cottier. // IN: Eigentum und seine Gründe : ein philosophischer Beitrag aus Anlass der schweizerischen Verfassungsdiskussion = La propriété et ses fondements : contribution philosophique concernant la revision de la constitution fédérale / herausgegeben von Helmut Holzhey und Georg Kohler ; unter Mitarbeit von Charles Gagnebin. Bern ; Stuttgart : P. Haupt, 1983. (Studia philosophica. Supplementum ; 12). p. 313-330 [esp. 322-323] Maritain and natural rights / Frederick J. Crosson. // IN: Review of metaphysics. 36 (1982/83):895-912. Some problems in the authorship of Sir Robert Filmers works / James Daly. // IN: English historical review. 98 (1983):737-762. On J.M. Wallace, The date of Patriarcha (1980) and C.C. Weston, The authorship of The Freeholders grand inquest, Eng. hist. rev. (1980). Labor, liberty, and property : a critique of the liberal theory of property of Locke, Nozick, and Rawls / Judy Dering. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of Rochester (N.Y.), 1982. See Ch. 2, Lockes theory of property (leaves 8-68) Abstract: DAI 44A:1476. The dimension of history in Benthams theory of law / Eldon J. Eisenach. // IN: Eighteenth-century studies. 16 (1982/83):290-316. Natural law and history in Lockes theory of distributive justice / Francesco Fagiani. // IN: Topoi. 2 (1983):163-185. Abstract: PhI 1984:309. LNL 15:4 Reprinted in: Locke / edited by John Dunn and Ian Harris (1997). vol. 2:7-29. Nel crepuscolo della probabilità : ragione ed esperienza nella filosofia sociale di John Locke / Francesco Fagiani. Napoli : Bibliopolis, 1983. 400 p. (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. Serie study ; 5) Review: J. Dunn, LNL 16:96-99. LNL 15:4 A partial genealogy of human rights / Kevin L. Freed. Thesis (M.A.)Bowling Green State University, 1983. xvi, 126, [15] leaves. Cervantes, Locke y Hobbes : pioneros del pensamiento político moderno / Joan J. Gilabert. // IN: Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía. 10 (1983):217-228. Property and liberal goals / Emily R. Gill. // IN: Journal of politics. 45 (1983):675-695. LNL 15:4 John Locke and Anglican Royalism / Mark Goldie. // IN: Political studies. 31 (1983):61-85. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9248.1983.tb01335.x. Abstract: IPSA 33:5102. LNL 15:4 Reprinted in: Lockes moral, political and legal philosophy / edited by J.R. Milton (1999). p. 61-85. Obligations, utopias, and their historical context / Mark Goldie. // IN: Historical journal. 26 (1983):727-746. Linterminable querelle du contrat social / Simone Goyard-Fabre. Ottawa : Éditions de lUniversité dOttawa, 1983. (Philosophica ; 21) See p.193-199. Abstract: BPh 36:176. Souveraineté et citoyenneté dans le libéralisme politique de John Locke / Simone Goyard-Fabre. // IN: Souveraineté et citoyenneté : actes du Colloque, Caen, 16-17-18 mai 1983 / directeur de la publication, Simone Goyard-Fabre. Caen : lUniversité de Caen, Centre de Philosophie politique et juridique, 1983. (Cahiers de philosophie politique et juridique de lUniversité de Caen ; no. 4). p. 137-152. LNL 16:6 Enduring political ideas / Kathryn P. Griffith. Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, ©1983. See Ch. 6, John Locke 1632-1704 (p. 111-133) Beyond liberty and property : the process of self-recognition in eighteenth-century political thought / J.A.W. Gunn. Kingston, Ont. : McGill-Queens University Press, ©1983. 331 p. (McGill-Queens studies in the history of ideas ; 6) Der Begriff des Property bei John Locke : zu den Grundlagen seiner politischen Philosophie / Johannes Hahn. Frankfurt am Main ; New York : P. Lang, 1983. 136 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 20, Philosophie ; 134) Review: R. Brandt, LNL 16:100-102; M.P. Thompson, Pol. St. 33 (1985):170-171. LNL 15:5 Lockes Begründung des Privateigentums in der Arbeit / Helmut Holzhey. // IN: Eigentum und seine Gründe : ein philosophischer Beitrag aus Anlass der schweizerischen Verfassungsdiskussion = La propriété et ses fondements : contribution philosophique concernant la revision de la constitution fédérale / herausgegeben von Helmut Holzhey und Georg Kohler ; unter Mitarbeit von Charles Gagnebin. Bern ; Stuttgart : P. Haupt, 1983. (Studia philosophica. Supplementum ; 12). p. 19-34. Abstract: PhI 1985:316 LNL 18:6 Needs and justice in the Wealth of nations : an introductory essay / Istvan Hont and Michael Ignatieff. // IN: Wealth and virtue : the shaping of political economy in the Scottish Enlightenment / edited by Istvan Hont and Michael Ignatieff. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1983. p. 1-44. Immerwahr, J. and others. The Locke game / John Immerwahr, Sean McCann, Catherine Murphy, Robert Zampetti. // IN: Teaching philosophy. 6 (1983):31-39. See also Jackson, Using the Locke game (1986) Abstract: PhI 1983:317. LNL 14:4 Locke on political obligation / John Kilcullen. // IN: Review of politics. 45 (1983):323-344. Abstract: IPSA 34:2260. LNL 16:7 Reprinted in: (1) John Locke, political philosophy / edited with introductions by Vere Chappell (1992). p. 147-168; and (2) Lockes moral, political and legal philosophy / edited by J.R. Milton (1999). p. 367-388. Hegel on property and personality / by Dudley Knowles. // IN: Philosophical quarterly. 33 (1983):45-62. Abstract: PhI 1983:327. Illiberal liberalism : the new property as strategy / Michael B. Levy. // IN: Review of politics. 45 (1983):576-594 [esp. 589-593] Distributive justice and the tensions of Lockeanism / Eric Mack. // IN: Social philosophy and policy. 1:no. 1 (autumn 1983):132-150. Lokova politička teorija svojine = Lockes political theory of property / Dragoljub Mićunović. // IN: Sociologija. 25 (1983):39-55. English summary (p. 55) Abstract: IPSA 34:3491. Gershom Carmichael and the natural jurisprudence tradition in eighteenth-century Scotland / James Moore and Michael Silverthorne. // IN: Wealth and virtue : the shaping of political economy in the Scottish Enlightenment / edited by Istvan Hont and Michael Ignatieff. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1983. p. 73-87. Revised version of paper published in 1982. Democracia, utopía o equívoco : aportes de John Locke al concepto moderno de democracia" / Carmenza Neira Fernández. // IN: Universitas philosophica. 1 (1983):99-114. Unverified; source/Abstract: PhI 1986:361. On three inherent powers of government / Ellen Frankel Paul. // IN: Monist. 66 (1983):529-544. Abstract: PhI 1984:408. English historical thought in the age of Harrington and Locke / J.G.A. Pocock. // IN: Topoi. 2 (1983):149-162. Justice in society / T.A. Roberts. // IN: Cogito. 1:no. 1 (May 1983):98-116. Abstract: PhI 1984:424. Contractarianism and intuition : on the role of social contract arguments in theories of social justice / Wojciech Sadurski. // IN: Australasian journal of philosophy. 61 (1983):231-247. Inalienable rights and Lockes Treatises / A. John Simmons. // IN: Philosophy & public affairs. 12 (1983):175-204. Abstracts: IPSA 34:3501; PhI 1983:401. LNL 15:6 Reprinted in: Locke / edited by John Dunn and Ian Harris (1997). vol. 2:30-59. A non-Lockean Locke and the character of liberalism / Nathan Tarcov. // IN: Liberalism reconsidered / edited by Douglas MacLean and Claudia Mills. [Totowa, N.J.] : Rowman & Allenheld, 1983. (Maryland studies in public philosophy). p. 130-140. Timmins, W. M. & Timmins, D. B. Hobbes and Locke : the antipodal conflict between authority and personal liberty / William M. Timmins, David B. Timmins. // IN: Towards a humanistic science of politics : essays in honor of Francis Dunham Wormuth / edited by Dalmas H. Nelson, Richard L. Sklar. Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, ©1983. p. 385-398. Two worries about mixing ones labour / by Jeremy Waldron. // IN: Philosophical quarterly. 33 (1983):37-44. Abstract: PhI 1983:425. LNL 14:6 Blackstone and the theoretical perfection of law in the reign of Charles II / Robert Willman. // IN: Historical journal. 26 (1983):39-70. Political philosophy : a history of the search for order / James L. Wiser. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, ©1983. See 10, John Locke (p. 209-228) The politics of Locke's philosophy. See entry in Chapter 3. The fear of God in early modern political theory / David Wootton. // IN: Historical papers = Communications historiques. 1983:56-80 [esp. 72-77] |