[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 7: Politics & Government ] 1984Thomas Paines American ideology / A. Owen Aldridge. Newark : University of Delaware Press ; London ; Toronto : Associated University Presses, ©1984. See 8, Relations with Locke (p. 107-122) and 9, Locke unraveling the issues (p. 123-136) The rise and decline of Western liberalism / Anthony Arblaster. Oxford ; New York : B. Blackwell, ©1984. See esp. p. 137-141 and 162-167. Force or freedom? : the paradox of modern political thought / William T. Bluhm. New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, ©1984. See Locke the social engineering of middle-class freedom (p. 70-79) and Lockean America (p. 120-124) Abstract: PhI 1984:268. Lockes contract : would people consent to it? / by John T. Bookman. // IN: American journal of economics and sociology. 43 (1984):357-368. Abstract: IPSA 35:1384. LNL 16:4 The nature of social laws. See entry in Chapter 3. The state and political theory / Martin Carnoy. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©1984. See The classical doctrine (p. 12-23) La pensée politique de Filmer / Paulette Carrive. // IN: La pensée libérale de John Locke (1984) p. 59-98. The commodity form and socialization in Lockes state of nature / E. Paul Colella. // IN: International studies in philosophy. 16:no. 3 (1984):1-13. Abstract: PhI 1985:266. LNL 18:5 Lockes theory of property : a re-examination / Peter Paul Cvek. // IN: Auslegung. 11 (1984/85):390-411. Abstract: PhI 1985:271. LNL 18:5 Children, idiots and barbarians. See entry in Chapter 3. The functional reduction of kinship in the social thought of John Locke / Thomas de Zengotita. // IN: Functionalism historicized : essays on British anthropology / edited by George W. Stocking, Jr. Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, 1984. (History of anthropology ; vol. 2). p. 10-30. The concept of trust in the politics of John Locke / John Dunn. // IN: Philosophy in history : essays on the historiography of philosophy / edited by Richard Rorty, J.B. Schneewind, Quentin Skinner. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1984. (Ideas in context). p. 279-301. LNL 16:5 Reprinted as: (1) Trust in the politics of John Locke. // IN: Rethinking modern political theory : essays, 1979-83 / John Dunn. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1985. p. 34-54; reprinted in: Locke / edited by John Dunn and Ian Harris (1997). vol. 2:118-138. John Locke, the politics of trust / John Dunn. // IN: Political thought from Plato to NATO. London : British Broadcasting Corporation, 1984. p. 108-119. LNL 16:5 The liberal point of view / Penny Enslin. // IN: Educational philosophy and theory. 16:no.2 (Oct. 1984):1-9 [esp. 1-4] Sir Robert Filmer and the English patriarch / by Margaret J.M. Ezell. // IN: Seventeenth-century news. 42 (1984):60-66. La conception de la guerre et de la paix de John Locke / Julien Freund. // IN: La pensée libérale de John Locke (1984) p. 99-121. LNL 16:6 Langage et monnaie chez Locke et Turgot / J. Giacometti. // IN: Économies et sociétés. 18:no. 3 (mars 1984):119-137. LNL 19:7 Inalienable rights and Lockes argument for limited government : political implications of a right to suicide / Gary D. Glenn. // IN: Journal of politics. 46 (1984):80-105. DOI: 10.2307/2130435. Abstract: IPSA 34:4397. LNL 16:6 Introduction. // IN: Traité du gouvernement civil / John Locke (1984). p. 17-155. La pensée libérale de John Locke / [directeur de la publication, Simone Goyard-Fabre]. Caen : Centre de Philosophie politique et juridique de lUniversité de Caen, 1984. 155 p. (Cahiers de philosophie politique et juridique de lUniversité de Caen ; no. 5) Includes Informations bibliographiques / Simone Goyard-Fabre Lindividualité humaine selon Locke / Jean-Louis Dumas Tolérance et politique chez John Locke / Jean-Pierre Cléro La pensée politique de Filmer / Paulette Carrive La conception de la guerre et de la paix de John Locke / Julien Freund Réflexions sur le pouvoir fédératif dans la constitutionalisme de John Locke / Simone Goyard-Fabre La prérogative chez Locke / Jean Roy. T 278 Réflexions sur le pouvoir fédératif dans la constitutionalisme de John Locke / Simone Goyard-Fabre. // IN: La pensée libérale de John Locke (1984) p. 123-145. LNL 16:6 John Lockes liberalism / by Ruth Weissbourd Grant. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of Chicago, 1984. ii, 336 leaves. John Lockethe social context of political individualism / Louise Haberman. Thesis (Ph.D.)Princeton University, 1984. vii, 214 leaves. Abstract: DAI 45A:2381. Zu den Auffassungen John Lockes über das Verhältnis von Gesellschaft und Natur / von Petra Handel. // IN: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie. 32 (1984):41-49. LNL 16:6 The origins of human rights : a Hegelian perspective / Lewis P. Hinchman. // IN: Western political quarterly. 37 (1984):7-31. Scripture and the expression of liberalism / Robert W. Hoffert. // IN: Social science journal. 21:no. 2 (April 1984):15-31. Abstract: IPSA 34:4402. A study of Lockes theory of freedom / Kimimasa Inoue. // IN: Annual report of studies in humanities (Nara Womens University). 28 (1984):11-29. Title and text in Japanese; summary in English. Unverified. LNL 16:7 Νεότερη πολιτική θεωρία : θεωρίες της ελευθερίας = [Modern political theories : theories of liberty]. Neoterē politikē theōria / Pascalē M. Kitromēlidē. – Athēna ; Kommotēnē Ekdosē Ant. N. Sakkoula, 1984-1986. – 2 tomes. 2ē ekd., 1992; 3ē ekd., 1996; 4ē ekd., 2000; 6ē ekd., 2016. See esp. part I. Unverified. The relative influence of European writers on late eighteenth-century American political thought / Donald S. Lutz. // IN: American political science review. 78 (1984):189-197. The anxiety of freedom : John Locke and the emergence of political subjectivity / by Uday Singh Mehta. Thesis (Ph.D.)Princeton University, 1984, ©1985. vi, 203 leaves. Abstract: DAI 45A:2382. I limiti della politica : lo stato di natura e lappello al cielo nel Secondo trattato sul governo di J. Locke / Pasquale Pasquino. // IN: Rivista di filosofia. 75 (1984):369-395. LNL 19:10 Freiheit im Sprachgebrauch von John Locke / Werner Plehn. // IN: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Gesellschafts- und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe. 33:no. 3 (1984):41-47. Conceptions of the common good and the natural right to liberty / Douglas B. Rasmussen. // IN: The Georgetown Symposium on Ethics : essays in honor of Henry Babcock Veatch / edited by Rocco Porreco. Lanham, Md. ; London : University Press of America, ©1984. p. 185-193. Natural rights and distributive justice : Nozick and the classical contractarians / Ron Replogle. // IN: Canadian journal of political science. 17 (1984):65-86. Locke and the rejection of the ancient constitution / David Resnick. // IN: Political theory. 12 (1984):97-114. Abstract: IPSA 35:231 LNL 15:6 Property and labour in the social philosophy of John Locke / Johannes Rohbeck ; translated from the German by Leslie Grega. // IN: History of European ideas. 5 (1984):65-77. LNL 16:8 La prérogative chez Locke / Jean Roy. // IN: La pensée libérale de John Locke (1984) p. 147-155. LNL 16:8 Individualismo posesivo, liberalismo y democracia liberal : notas sobre la contribución de C. B. MacPherson a la teoría democrática / Carlos Ruiz S. ; comentarios, Oscar Godoy A. y otros. Santiago, Chile : Centro de Estudios Publicos, [1984]. 60 p. (Documento de trabajo ; no. 32 (agosto de 1984)) Este trabajo fue presentado el día 2 de julio de 1984 en el Seminario Temas de Teoría Democrática Contemporánea organizado por el CEP. Unverified. Hegel on work, ownership and citizenship / Alan Ryan. // IN: The state and civil society : studies in Hegels political philosophy / edited by Z.A. Pelczynski. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1984. p. 178-196. Property and political theory / Alan Ryan. Oxford ; New York, N.Y. : Blackwell, 1984. See 1, Locke, labour and the purposes of God (p. 14-48) LNL 16:8 Utility and ownership / Alan Ryan. // IN: Utility and rights / R.G. Frey, editor. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, ©1984. p. 175-195. Persons and property / Rolf Sartorius. // IN: Utility and rights / R.G. Frey, editor. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, ©1984. p. 196-214. Libertarianism and political philosophy : a critique of Robert Nozicks Anarchy, state and utopia / David Lewis Schaefer. // IN: Interpretation : a journal of political philosophy. 12 (1984):301-334. Troubled waters : global justice and ocean resources / Robert L. Simon. // IN: Earthbound : new introductory essays in environmental ethics / edited by Tom Regan. New York, N.Y. : Random House, 1984. p. 179-213 [esp. 188-193] Natural law and consent in the political philosophy of John Locke : the religious roots of his thought / by David C. Snyder. Thesis (Ph.D.)Rutgers University, 1984. 205 leaves. Abstract: DAI 46A:450. Locke et Quesnay : une conception politique de léconomie / Ph. Steiner. // IN: Économies et sociétés. 18:no. 3 (mars 1984):139-159. LNL 19:12 Lockes education for liberty. See entry in Chapter 4. Locke on liberty / James Tully. // IN: Conceptions of liberty in political philosophy / edited by Zbigniew Pelczynski and John Gray. New York : St. Martins Press, 1984. p.57-82. Unverified. Reprinted in: Locke / edited by John Dunn and Ian Harris (1997). vol. 2:60-85; revised version included in Tully, An approach to political philosophy (1993). Ökonomie und Ethik : die Kapitalismusdebatte in der Philosophie der Neuzeit / Elmar Waibl. Stuttgart : Fromann, 1984. 430 p. Unverified; source/Abstract: BPh 34:223. Locke, Tully and the regulation of property / Jeremy Waldron. // IN: Politcal studies. 32 (1984):98-106. On Tully, A discourse on property (1980). Abstract: IPSA 34:2296. LNL 15:7 John Locke and the American founding / Jeffrey D. Wallin. // IN: Natural right and political right : essays in honor of Harry V. Jaffa / edited by Thomas B. Silver, Peter W. Schramm. Durham, N.C. : Carolina Academic Press, 1984. p. 143-167. John Locke and agrarian capitalism / Neal Wood. Berkeley ; London : University of California Press, ©1984. xv, 161 p. Ch. 5 contains an extensive critique of Tully, A discourse on property (1980) Reviews: J. Dunn, Hist. 71 (1986):157-158; A. Ryan, Eng. Hist. Rev. 102 (1987):1038; D.O. Thomas, Br. J. 18th-Cent. St. 10 (1987):226-228; J. Waldron, Pol. St. 34 (1986):177; S.M. Dworetz, Albion 17 (1985):497-499; F. Fagiani, Testi e contesti (1988); Rahe, John Lockes philosophical partisanship (1991). LNL 16:9 Locke and the problem of civil religion / by Michael P. Zuckert. Claremont, CA : Claremont Institute for the Study of Statemanship and Political Philosophy, ©1984. 32 p. (Bicentennial essay ; no. 6) ISBN 0-930-78305-0. Unverified. Later published in the collection The moral foundations of the American republic (1986). The utility of consent in John Lockes political philosophy / John Zvesper. // IN: Political studies. 32 (1984):55-67. Abstract: IPSA 34:2303. LNL 15:7 |