[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 7: Politics & Government ] 1998Milton and the Declaration of Independence / John Alvis. // IN: Interpretation. 25 (1997/98):367-405. LNL 30:4 A literary approach to political rhetoric : the case of John Lockes Two treatises of civil government / Pauline Archinard. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of Reading, 1998. 350 leaves. Unverified. Locke no Leveller / G.E. Aylmer. // IN: Soldiers, writers and statesmen of the English Revolution / edited by Ian Gentles, John Morrill and Blair Worden. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. p. 304-322. LNL 30:4 Reprinted in: John Locke : critical assessemnts of leading philosophers. Series II / edited by Peter R. Anstey (2006). vol. 4. Bergin, L. (and others) Black Elk speaks, John Locke listens, and the students write : designing and teaching a writing intensive introduction to philosophy and cultural diversity / Lisa Bergin ... [and others]. // IN: Teaching philosophy. 21 (1998):35-59. Abstract: PhI 1998:513. Appropriating persons : John Lockes theory of private property / by Thomas James Berry. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of Pittsburgh, 1998. viii, 252 leaves. Abstract: DAI 59:2054. Hobbes en Locke : twee visies op de verdragsleer / S.M. Bosman. Rotterdam : Erasmus Universiteit, 1998. 56 p. Thesis (Ph.D.)Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 1998. Unverified. The idea of property in seventeenth-century England : tithes and the individual / Laura Brace. Manchester : Manchester University Press ; New York : distributed by St. Martins Press, ©1998. (Politics, culture and society in early modern Britain) See Epilogue, Locke and property (p. 161-165) Subjecthood and citizenship: the context of James Otiss radical critique of John Locke / T.H. Breen. // IN: New England quarterly. 71 (1998):378-403. LNL 29:4 Mary Astell, defender of the disembodied mind. See entry in Chapter 3. Agreement in social contract theories : Locke vs. Rawls / Simon Cushing. // IN: Technology, morality and social policy / edited by Yeager Hudson. Lewiston, NY : The Edwin Mellen Press, ©1998. (Studies in social and political theory ; vol. 18), (Social philosophy today ; no. 13). p. 349-371. Abstract: PhI 1999. Hegel und Locke über das Eigentum / Julio De Zan. // IN: Hegel-Jahrbuch. 1998:44-49. Swift and Lockes Two treatises of government / Alan Downie. // IN: Swift, the enigmatic Dean : Festschrift for Hermann Josef Real / edited by Rudolf Freiburg, Arno Löffler and Wolfgang Zach. Tübingen : Stauffenburg, 1998. (Studies in English and comparative literature ; 12). p. 27-34. Natural property rights : where they fail / Robert Ehman. // IN: Social philosophy & policy. 15:no. 2 (1998):283-302. Also published in Problems of market liberalism / edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, Jr., and Jeffrey Paul. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. p. 283-302. LNL 29:6 Locke and libertarian property rights : reply to Weinberg / Am Feallsanach. // IN: Critical review. 12 (1998):319-323. Reply to Weinberg, Freedom, self-ownership, and libertarian philosophical diaspora; reply by Weinberg, Self- and world-ownership (1998). Abstract: PhI. LNL 30:5 The call for a world constitutional convention : an application of John Lockes theory of revolution / David W. Felder. // IN: Παιδεια = Paideia. Paper delivered at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 10-15 August 1998. Available online at: http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Poli/PoliFeld.htm Fichtes deduction of right from self-consciousness / Gary B. Herbert. // IN: Interpretation. 25 (1998):201-222. Abstract: PhI 1998:689. Udāravāda rājanīti tatvavicāramu : Jānlāk mariyu Jān Sṭuvarṭ Mil = Liberal political theory : John Lock and John Stuart Mill / racayitalu Pi. Īśvarayya, Bi. Śrīnivās. 1st ed. Haidarābād, [Iṇḍiyā] : Saiṇṭiphik Sarvīses, 1998. 72 p. Unverified. Arbeit und Selbstsein bei Locke, Hegel und Marx / Jens Kulenkampff. // IN: Literatur für Leser. 21 (1998):95-107. LNL 30:7 Le débat Locke-Filmer / par Franck Lessay ; avec la traduction du Patriarcha et du Premier traité du gouvernement civil. [Paris] : Presses Universitaires de France, 1998. 399 p. (Léviathan) ISBN 2-13-04933-5 Review: Marie-Agnès Maury, Br.J.Hist.Phil. 8 (2000):382-383. LNL 31:6 Extending liberalism to non-European peoples : a comparison of John Locke and James Mill / Man To Leung. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of Oxford (Nuffield College), 1998. vi, 296 leaves. See Part 1, John Lockes contractarian liberalism and the Amerindians (leaves 25-143) Early Enlightenment conceptions of the rights of slaves / Tommy L. Lott. // IN: Subjugation and bondage : critical essays on slavery and social philosophy / [edited by] Tommy L. Lott. Lanham, Md. ; Oxford : Rowman & Littlefield, ©1998. p. 99-129. LNL 30:7 Naẓarīyah-ʾi āzādī dar falsafah-ʾi siyāsī-i Hābz va Lāk = Doctrine of liberty in Hobbess and Lockes political philosophy / taʾlīf-i ʾAlī Maḥmūdī. Chāp-i 1. Tihrān : [publisher not named], 1998. 12, 146 p. ISBN 96-4426-080-5. Unverified. The language of law and the foundations of American constitutionalism / Gary L. McDowell. // IN: William and Mary quarterly. 3rd ser.:55 (1998):375-398. LNL 30:7 Lockes Second treatise and the literature of colonization / Mark A. Michael. // IN: Interpretation. 25 (1997/98):407-427. LNL 29:8 A history of political thought : a thematic introduction / John Morrow. Washington, Square, New York : New York University Press, 1998. xvi, 417 p. The age of reasons. See entry in Chapter 3. Our only star and compass : Locke and the struggle for political rationality / Peter C. Myers. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, ©1998. xi, 269 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN 0-8476-9098-9; 0-8476-9099-7 (pbk.) LNL 30:8 ジョン・ロックの政治社会論 / 岡村東洋光著. – 京都 : ナカニシヤ出版, 1998. Jon Rokku no seiji shakairon. – Kyōto : Nakanishiya Shuppan, 1998. – 268 p. ISBN 4-888-48416-3. Unverified. Self-ownership and equality : a Lockean reconciliation / Michael Otsuka. // IN: Philosophy and public affairs. 27 (1998):65-92. LNL 30:8 The struggle for legitimacy and the image of empire in the Atlantic to c. 1700 / Anthony Pagden. // IN: The origins of empire : British overseas enterprise to the close of the seventeenth century / [edited by] Nicholas Canny. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1998. (The Oxford history of the British Empire ; vol. 1). p. 34-54. LNL 30:8 Locke on kings prerogative / Pasquale Pasquino. // IN: Political theory. 26 (1998):198-208. Abstract: IPSA 49:1601. LNL 29:8 Πολιτική και θρησκεία στη φιλοσοφία του John Locke – See entry for first edition. New Lives, liberties, properties : rights to unlock liberalism / Dale Pyatt. Manchester : Manchester Centre for Political Thought (MANCEPT), Department of Government, University of Manchester, [1998]. 37 p. (MANCEPT paper ; no. 5/98) Democracy and religious values : Augustine on Locke, lying and individualism / John M. Rist. // IN: Augustinian studies. 29 (1998):7-24. A history of economic thought : the LSE lectures.– See entry in Chapter 8. Harrington, Locke and Aristotle. See entry in Chapter 3. John Lockes state of nature as utopian ideal / G.A.J. Rogers. // IN: Anglophonia. 3 (1998):77-87. Wozu braucht man eigentlich einen Staat? : eine Fernsehdiskussion zwischen Thomas Hobbes, John Locke und Jean-Jacques Rousseau / Bernd Rolf. // IN: Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik. 20 (1998):204-245. Unverified. The significant sounds of silence : the absence of women from the political thought of Sir Robert Filmer and John Locke : (or, Why cant a woman be more like a man?) / Gordon Schochet. // IN: Women writers and the early modern British political tradition / edited by Hilda L. Smith. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, ©1998. p. 220-242. Anachronism all around : Quentin Skinner on Francisco Suarez / Thomas S. Schrock. // IN: Interpretation. 25 (1997/98):91-123. Denisons and aliens : Lockes problem of political consent / A. John Simmons. // IN: Social theory and practice. 24 (1998):161-182. Abstract:IPSA 49:3014; PhI 1999. Reprinted in: Justification and legitimacy / A. John Simmons (2001) p. 158-178. LNL 30:9 Makers rights / A. John Simmons. // IN: Journal of ethics. 2 (1998):197-218. Abstract: PhI. Reprinted in: Justification and legitimacy / A. John Simmons (2001) p. 249-270. Menschenrecht und Weltbürgerrecht : die Universalität der Menschenrecht bei Kant und Locke / A. John Simmons ; Deutsche Übersetzung, Klaus Dicke. // IN: Republik und Weltbürgerrecht : Kantische Anregnungen zur Theorie politischer Ordnung nach dem Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts / Klaus Dicke, Klaus-Michael Kodalle (Hrsg.). Weimar : Böhlau Verlag, 1998. (Jenaer Beiträge zur Politikwissenschaft ; Band 6). p. 91-114. Unverified. English translation: Human rights and world citizenship : the universality of human rights in Kant and Locke. // IN: Justification and legitimacy / A. John Simmons (2001). p. 179-196. Astell, Masham, and Locke : religion and politics / Patricia Springborg. // IN: Women writers and the early modern British political tradition / edited by Hilda L. Smith. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, ©1998. p. 105-125. Mary Astell and John Locke / Patricia Springborg. // IN: The Cambridge companion to English literature, 1650-1740 / edited by Steven N. Zwicker. Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998. (Cambridge companions to literature). p. 276-306. LNL 29:9 Thomas Hobbes on social welfare / Suzuki, Yoshinori. // IN: Hobbes studies. 11 (1998):46-60. Abstract: PhI. The key to Lockes proviso / John Tomasi. // IN: British journal for the history of philosophy. 6 (1998):447-454. Comment on Schmidtz, When is original appropriation required? (1990) and Waldron, Enough and as good left for others (1979). LNL 29:10 the same tyrannical principle : Lockes legacy on slavery / William Uzgalis. // IN: Subjugation and bondage : critical essays on slavery and social philosophy / [edited by] Tommy L. Lott. Lanham, Md. ; Oxford : Rowman & Littlefield, ©1998. p. 49-77. LNL 30:11 Self- and world-ownership : rejoinder to Epstein, Palmer, and Feallsanach / Justin Weinberg. // IN: Critical review. 12 (1998):325-336. Reply to Feallsanach, Locke and libertarian property rights (1998). Original acquisition of private property / Leif Wenar. // IN: Mind. New series:107 (1998):799-819. Reprinted in: Locke and law / edited by Thom Brooks (2007). p. 109-129. En torno al origen del concepto moderno de sociedad civil : Locke, Ferguson y Hegel / María Isabel Wences Simon. Madrid : Dykinson, 1998. (Cuadernos Bartolome de Las Casas ; 9) See Ch. 1, John Locke, la sociedad civil como estado liberal (p. 13-41) Locke in America : the philosophy of the Declaration of independence. Lecture originally delivered at St. Johns College, Annapolis, Maryland, 1998; first published in 2002. See entry under 2002. |