Hirschmann, N. J. & McClure, K. M. (eds.)

Feminist interpretations of John Locke / edited by Nancy J. Hirschmann and Kirstie M. McClure. – University Park, Pa. : The Pennsylvania State University Press, c2007. – xi, 336 p. – (Re-reading the canon)


    Preface (pages ix-xi)

    Introduction: Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye (pages 1-15)

    Nancy J. Hirschmann and Kirstie M. McClure

  1. Marriage Contract and Social Contract in Seventeenth-Century English Political Thought (pages 17-37)

    Mary Lyndon Shanley

    Afterword: Equality, Liberty, and Marriage Contracts (pages 39-49)

    Mary Lyndon Shanley

  2. “Mere Auxiliaries to the Commonwealth”: Women and the Origins of Liberalism (pages 51-73)

    Teresa Brennan and Carole Pateman

    Afterword: Mere Auxiliaries to the Commonwealth in an Age of Globalization (pages 75-90)

    Carole Pateman and Teresa Brennan

  3. Early Liberal Roots of Feminism: John Locke’s Attack on Patriarchy (pages 91-121)

    Melissa A. Butler

    Afterword: Roots and Shoots — Revisiting Locke’s Attack on Patriarchy (pages 123-130)

    Melissa A. Butler

  4. Models of Politics and the Place of Women in Locke’s Political Thought (pages 131-153)

    Gordon Schochet

  5. Intersectionality Before Intersectionality Was Cool: The Importance of Class to Feminist Interpretations of Locke (pages 155-186)

    Nancy J. Hirschmann

  6. Gender and Narrative in Locke’s Two Treatises of Government (pages 187-212)

    Terrell Carver

  7. Recovering Locke’s Midwifery Notes (pages 213-240)

    Joanne H. Wright

  8. Locke, Adam, and Eve (pages 241-267)

    Jeremy Waldron

  9. “His Nuts for a Piece of Metal”: Fetishism in the Monetary Writings of John Locke (pages 269-295)

    Carol Pech

  10. “Philosophy’s Gaudy Dress”: Rhetoric and Fantasy in the Lockean Social Contract (pages 297-318)

    Linda M. G. Zerilli

  11. Notes on Contributors (pages 319-321)

    Further Reading (pages 323-325)

    Index (pages 327-336)