August 2021

Adriaenssen, H. T. “Locke on individuation and identity.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Anonymous. Die Theorien der Tabula rasa von John Lock und Helvétius. 2021. – Chapter 3.

Anstey, P. R. “Locke and non-propositional knowledge.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Aoki, S. “Boyle and Locke on primary and secondary qualities.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Atherton, M. “Locke against the nativist.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Ayers, M. “Locke and Edward Stillingfleet.” 2021. – Chapter 12.

Boeker, R. “Locke and William Molyneux.” 2021. – Chapter 12.

——. Locke on persons and personal identity. 2021. – Chapter 3.

——. “Locke’s moral psychology.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Broad, J. “Locke and Damaris Cudworth Masham.” 2021. – Chapter 12.

Butler, A. “Locke on space and duration.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Casson, D. “Locke on toleration.” 2021. – Chapter 6.

Clark, J. C. “Locke on money.” 2021. – Chapter 8.

Connolly, P. J. “Locke and Sergeant on syllogistic reasoning.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Cooper, J. “Credit and the problem of trust in the thought of John Locke, c. 1668-1704.” 2021. – Chapter 8.

Duncan, S. “Locke, God and materialism.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Etchegaray, C. “Whytt and the idea of power.” 2013. – Chapter 3.

Garrett, A. “Locke’s metaethics.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Goldie, M. “John Locke on the Glorious Revolution : a new document.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

——. “Locke and executive power.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Gordon-Roth, J. “Locke on midwifery and childbirth.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Gordon-Roth, J. & Weinberg, S. (eds.) The Lockean mind. 2021. – Chapter 2.

Gorham, G. “Locke on causation and the laws of nature.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Hanck, T. “Locke on primary and secondary qualities.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Henary, S. “Human malleability and liberalism in Locke’s Some thoughts concerning education” 2021. – Chapter 4.

Hill, B. “Locke on origins, nature and functions of language.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Ichinose, M. “The death penalty and a Lockean impossibilism.’ 2021. – Chapter 7.

Irwin, K. “Locke and contemporary philosophy of religion.” 2021. – Chapter 5.

Jolley, N. “Locke on resurrection and the afterlife.” 2021. – Chapter 5.

Jones, J.-E. “Locke and corpuscularianism.” 2021. – Chapter 9.

Jorgensen, L. “Locke and Anthony Collins.” 2021. – Chapter 12.

Kim, H.-k. “Locke on substance.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Koganzon, R. Liberal states, authoritarian families. 2021. – Chapter 4.

Kojo, T. “A defence of Locke’s consent theory against Hume’s critique.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Kuklok, A. “Locke on essences.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

——. “The univocity of real essence in Locke.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Lähteenmäki, V. “Locke on memory.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Layman, D. “Locke’s republican and liberal legacy.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Lenz, M. “Locke on representation and the nature and central role of ideas.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

LoLordo, A. “Locke on moral agency and moral agents.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Lu-Adler, H. “Locke on scientific methodology.” 2021. – Chapter 9.

Marušić, J. S. “Locke on knowledge and certainty.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Mills, C. W. “Locke on slavery.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Milton, J. R. “Life and works.” 2021. – Chapter 2.

Nakano, Y. “Berkeley’s experimental method in An essay towards a new theory of vision.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Nazar, H. “Locke and Rousseau on educating for freedom.” 2021. – Chapter 4.

Nazifi, H. John Locke zu Positionierung der Willensfreiheit basierend auf der Idee der Kraft. 2021. – Chapter 3.

Nida-Rümelin, J. & Weidenfeld, N. Die Realität des Risikos. 2021. – Chapter 2.

Numao, J. K. “Locke on sex, marriage and the state.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Nuovo, V. “Locke and Jonas Proast.” 2021. – Chapter 6.

——. “Locke on superaddition and the possibility of thinking matter.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Oprea, A. “Locke on children’s rights.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Ott, W. “Locke on sense perception.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Parker, K. I. “Locke on biblical method and theological interpretation.” 2021. – Chapter 5.

Pasnau, R. & Boespflug, M. “Locke on enthusiasm.” 2021. – Chapter 5.

Powell, L. “Locke on the uses and abuses of language.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Priselac, M. “Locke on knowledge and opinion.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Rickless, S. C. “Locke on our idea and knowledge of God.” 2021. – Chapter 5.

Roche, C. John Locke and the Bank of England. 2021. – Chapter 8.

Rockwood, N. “Locke on reason, revelation, and miracles.” 2021. – Chapter 5.

Rossiter, E. “Locke on knowledge of morality.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Savonius-Wroth, S.-J. “Locke on the state of nature.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Schechtman, M. “Locke and the current debate on personal identity.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Sheridan, P. “Locke and Catharine Trotter Cockburn.” 2021. – Chapter 12.

Shimokawa, K. “Introduction : Locke and Japan.” 2021. – Chapter 2.

——. “Locke’s harm argument and the largeness of toleration.” 2021. – Chapter 6.

Shimokawa, K. & Anstey, P. R. (eds.) Locke on knowledge, politics and religion. 2021. – Chapter 2.

Sreedham, S. “Locke on marriage.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Stoneham, T. & Thorsson, E. “Locke on cognitive bias.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Tabb, K. “Locke on habituation and the association of ideas.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Takei, K. “Salvation and reasonableness in Locke’s Reasonableness of Christianity.” 2021. – Chapter 5.

Thomas, E. “Locke, Newton, and Edmund Law.” 2021. – Chapter 12.

Varden, H. “Locke on property.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Vaughn, A. “Locke on knowledge of the external world.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Vernon, R. “Locke on consent.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

Wa-Githumo, M. “Inconsistencies and contradictions in some of John Locke’s economic and political theories.” 2021. – Chapter 8.

Waldmann, F. “John Locke as a reader of Hobbes’s Leviathan : a new manuscript.” 2021. – Chapter 2.

——. “New manuscript fragments by John Locke.” 2021. – Chapter 11.

Walmsley, J. C. “Locke on physiology and medicine.” 2021. – Chapter 9.

Walsh, J. “Locke and Philippus van Limborch.” 2021. – Chapter 12.

——. “Locke on power and freedom.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Weinberg, S. “Locke on consciousness and reflection.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

——. “Locke on intellectual and moral virtue.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Wolfe, C. “Locke and projects for naturalizing the mind in the 18th century.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Wörner, D. “Locke on persons and personal identity.” 2021. – Chapter 3.

Yamaoka, R. “Locke’s political constitutionalism.” 2021. – Chapter 7.

June 2021

  • Entries have been added for papers from The John Locke Conference, Naples, Italy, June 9-11, 2021.

  • Other additions this month include:

Note: The entries below were included in Benjamin Hill’s “Recent publications” in Locke Studies 20 (2020).

Furuta, T. Robāto Firumā no seiji shisō. ロバート・フィルマーの政治思想. 2018. – Chapter 7.

Ichinose, M. “Rokku gengoron to puraibētosei no mondai.” 「ロック言語論と『プライベート性』の問題」. 2020. – Chapter 3.

Kashiwazaki, M. “Jon Rokku ni okeru shizenhō to shiminteki bitoku.” 「ジョン・ロックにおける自然法と市民的美徳」. 2020. – Chapter 7.

——. “Ningen no yowasa to jiyū.” 「人間の弱さと自由」. 2020. – Chapter 3.

Kitizawa, T. “Jon Rokku ni okeru jikoshoyū to pāson no gainen.” 「ジョン・ロックにおける自己所有とパーソンの概念」. 2018. – Chapter 3.

Locke, J. Kirisutokyō no gōrisei. 『キリスト教の合理性』 [Japanese translation of Reasonableness]. 2019. – Chapter 0.

Masuda, M. “Jon Rokku no kan’yōron to shūkyōkan.” 「ジョン・ロックの寛容論と宗教観」. 2018. – Chapter 6.

Ogose, T. Keimō to kinrō. 『啓蒙と勤労. 2020. – Chapter 8.

Okazaki, K. “Jon Rokku no shūkyōteki kan’yōron.” 「ジョン・ロックの宗教的寛容論. 2019. – Chapter 6.

Ōnishi, H. “Wiriamu Kiffin to Jon Rokku.” 「ウィリアム・キッフィンとジョン・ロック. 2019. – Chapter 12.

Takeda, T. “Jōji Bākurī no judōteki fukujū ni taisuru kōsatsu.” 「ジョージ・バークリーの『受動的服従』に対する考察」. 2018. – Chapter 7.

Watanabe, Y. Jon Rokku no kenriron. 『ジョン・ロックの権利論. 2020. – Chapter 7.

Yamaoka, R. “Rikkenshugi to seijiteki riarizumu.” 「立憲主義と政治的リアリズム. 2019. – Chapter 7.

May 2021

Note: Entries below marked with an asterisk (*) were included in Benjamin Hill’s “Recent publications” in Locke studies 20 (2020).

Abshire, R. P. “Constitutionalized prerogative and the pardon power.” 2019. – Chapter 7. *

Agha, A. Shaftesbury’s Atlantis. 2020. – Chapter 8. *

Aitken, A. Everywhere relations. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Allen, B. Empiricisms. 2021. – Chapter 3. *

Angebauer, N. “Property and capital in the person.” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Anonymous. “John Locke” [in Columbia electronic encyclopedia]. 2021. – Chapter 2. *

Anstey, P. R. “Boyle’s influence on Locke.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

——. “Lockean self-diagnosis.” 2020. – Chapter 3.

——. “Santayana’s Locke.” 2019. – Chapter 3.

Atkins, R. K. Charles S. Peirce’s phenomenology. 2018. – Chapter 3.

Aydoğdu, H. “John Locke’da tōz problemī.’ 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Baillon, J.-F. “Two eighteenth-century translators of Newton’s Opticks.’ 2009. – Chapter 12.

Balibar, É. “Locke ou Spinoza.” 2019. – Chapter 2. *

Barth, D. “Two routes to idealism : Collier and Berkeley.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Behnegar, N. “Liberalism and Christianity.” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Benítez, M. “Religion, philosophie et politique dans un recueil manuscrit de James Tyrrell (1642-1718).” 2004. – Chapter 12.

Bercuson, J. A history of political thought. 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Bergeron, D. Philosophy and allotment. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Bermúdez, J. L. “Four theses about self-consciousness and bodily experience.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Blijdenstein, A. “Exposing political theory’s theological roots.” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Boeker, R. “Shaftesbury on persons, personal identity and character development.” 2018. – Chapter 3.

Boespflug, M. Voluntary belief and its consequences in Locke and Descartes. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Bolton, M. B. “Locke on space and substance.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Borghero, C. “Testi e leggende.” 2019. – Chapter 2. *

Bothereau, F. Apprendre à philosopher avec Locke. 2020. – Chapter 2. *

Bouillot, C. “The conflict in the Lockean state of nature.” 2019. – Chapter 7. *

Bow, C. B. “Molyneux’s problem in the Scottish Enlightenment.” 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Branaa, J.-É. La constitution américaine et les institutions. 1999. – Chapter 7. *

Broad, J. (ed.) Women philosophers of eighteenth-century England : selected correspondence. 2020. – Chapter 12. *

Broad, J. (ed.) Women philosophers of seventeenth-century England : selected correspondence. 2020. – Chapter 12. *

Calisti, S. P. “Locke, materia e pensiero.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Carvalho, V. F. A. “A resignificação do jusnaturalismo de John Locke a partir do capitalismo humanista.” 2019. – Chapter 7. *

Charbonnier, P. Abondance et liberté. 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Christmas, B. “Ambidextrous Lockeanism.” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Çilingir, L. “Locke’un toplum sözleşmesi kuramı.” 2019. – Chapter 7. *

Collins, J. R. In the shadow of Leviathan. 2020. – Chapter 2. *

Connolly, P. J. “Thinking matter in Locke’s proof of God’s existence.” 2019. – Chapter 3.

Cristaudo, W. Idolizing the idea. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Curtin, R. S. “Locke’s (own) literary property.” 2020. – Chapter 2. *

Cvijanović, H. “Producing European modernity.” 2019. – Chapter 2. *

Deneen, P. J. & Goldberg, J. “Blame it all on John Locke?” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

De Tommaso, E. M. “ ‘Some reflections upon the true grounds of morality’.” 2017. – Chapter 3.

Dumitrescu, M. “The Christian family of John Locke’s theory of empiricism.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Ferretti, G. & Glenney, B. (eds.) Molyneux’s question and the history of philosophy. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Gerrard, C. “What the women of Dublin did with John Locke.” 2020. – Chapter 2. *

Gianoutsos, J. “ ‘A new discovery’ of Charles Hoole.” 2019. – Chapter 4. *

Gibbon, P. H. “Discovering childhood.” 2020. – Chapter 4. *

——. “A small revolutionary book” 2015. – Chapter 4.

Gill, M. B. “Morality is not like mathematics.” 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Glauser, R. “Locke and the problem of weakness of the will.’ 2014. – Chapter 3.

Gorham, G. A. “Spinoza, Locke, and the limits of Dutch toleration.” 2014. – Chapter 6.

Gorman, S. M. The role of waste in modern political philosophy. 2019. – Chapter 7. *

Guzmán, R. A. & Munger, M. C. “A theory of just market exchange.” 2020. – Chapter 8. *

Hamou, P. “Spacious minds and spatial spirits.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Hanck, T. Locke’s confusion about the confused idea of substance. 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Harding, E. “Grow Heathrow : a Lockean analysis.” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

——. “Spoilage and squatting : a Lockean argument.&dquo; 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Harrison, T. M. Coming to : consciousness and natality in early modern England. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Henriquez Garrido, R. J. “The ontological concept of disease and the clinical empiricism of Thomas Sydenham.” 2019. – Chapter 9. *

Hicks, S. R. C. “Liberal education and its postmodern critics.” 2019. – Chapter 4. *

Hofer, S. J. Creating liberal justice. 2019. – Chapter 7. *

Irish, J. P. “John Locke (1632-1704).” 2020. – Chapter 2. *

Josephson, P. “Hobbes, Locke and the problems of political economy.” 2016. – Chapter 8.

Keiser, J. Nervous fictions. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Lamb, R. Property. 2021. – Chapter 7. *

Lantigua, D. M. Infidels and empires in a new world order. 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Larmore, C. E. What is political philosophy? 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Laukötter, S. & Siep, L. “John Locke” [in L’udské práva]. 2017. – Chapter 7.

Layman, D. Locke among the radicals. 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Liebell, S. “Retreat from the rule of law.” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Livadas, S. “Is there an ontology of infinity?” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

LoLordo, A. “Mary Shepherd on causation, induction, and natural kinds.” 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Lucci, D. “John Locke on atheism, Catholicism, antinomianism, and deism.” 2018. – Chapter 5.

——. John Locke’s Christianity. 2021. – Chapter 5. *

——. “Political scepticism, moral scopticism, and the scope and limits of toleration in John Locke.” 2018. – Chapter 6.

Lustila, G. L. The problem of partiality in 18th century British moral philosophy. 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Machado, Í. “Locke e a questão da liberdade determinada.” 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Manent, P. La loi naturelle et les droits de l’homme. 2018. – Chapter 7. *

Marks, J. Let’s be reasonable. 2021. – Chapter 4.

Marshall, J. “Defining and redefining heresy up to Locke’s Letters concerning toleration.” 2006. – Chapter 6.

Marušić, J. “Locke on causation and cognition.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

McHugh, P. “Knowledge and scepticism in Newman and Locke.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

McMurran, M.-H. “Locke’s mythical thinking.” 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Mitsis, P. Natura aut voluntas. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Moore, T. “Locke on the prospects for secret referece.” 2018. – Chapter 3.

——. “Words and meanings.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Mota Pinto, S. “Hume versus Aristotle, Locke and Leibniz on causality.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Nacol, E. C. “Educating gentlewomen.” 2021. – Chapter 4. *

——. “Locke and Cicero on property, labor, and value.” 2021. – Chapter 4.

Nash, S. J., Nash, S. S. X. & Rybak, L. J. “On equality.” 2019. – Chapter 7. *

Nelson, E. “Representation and the fall.” 2020. – Chapter 5. *

Nobili, F. John Locke als Ethiker. 2021. – Chapter 3. *

Noggle, J. Unfelt. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Ogarkov, A. N. & Smetankina, L. V. «Общественный договор» Руссо и концепция отчуждения. 2020. – Chapter 7. *

O’Leary, K. C. Madison’s sorrow. 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Olsthoorn, J. “On the absence of moral goodness in Hobbes’s ethics.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Otteson, J. R. “The Levellers and the birth of liberal political economy.” 2020. – Chapter 8. *

Parvini, N. The defenders of liberty. 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Pellecchia, P. Locke’s rebellious progeny. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Peter, L. Democracy, markets and the commons. 2021. – Chapter 7.

Pinheiro, L. G. Factories of modernity. 2019. – Chapter 8. *

Pouivet, R. L’ethique intellectuelle. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Railton, P. “Locke, stock, and peril.” 1985. – Chapter 7.

Richardson, J. “Spinoza’s conception of personal and political change.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Rickless, S. C. “Locke’s ‘sensitive knowledge’.” 2015. – Chapter 3.

Robinson, S. John Locke and the uncivilized society. 2021. – Chapter 7.

Rockwood, N. “Lockean essentialism and the possibility of miracles.” 2018. – Chapter 3.

Root, D. “How Frederick Douglass destroyed John C. Calhoun with the power of John Locke.” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Sabbadini, L. Property, liberty, and self-ownership in seventeenth-century England. 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Sadre, N. Beast-Gods, bandits, and beggar-kings. 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Sæther, A. “Pufendorf and his importance for the development of economics as a science.” 2020. – Chapter 8.

Salluce, G. John Locke : originale modello di pedagogia moderna tra sensismo, empirismo e teoria dell’educazione. 2020. – Chapter 4. *

Schechtman, A. “Three infinities in early modern philosophy.” 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Schmidt, J. & Zitl, R. “Gesellschaftsvertrag und Staat.” 2017. – Chapter 7. *

Seidengart, J. L’Univers infini dans le monde des Lumières. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Sfez, G. Raisons d’état. 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Smith, B. John Locke, territory, and transmigration. 2021. – Chapter 8. *

Snobelen, S. D. “Isaac Newton, heresy laws and the persecution of religious dissent.” 2009. – Chapter 6.

——. “Isaac Newton, Socinianism and ‘the one supreme god’.” 2005. – Chapter 5.

——. “ ‘To us there is but one God, the Father’.” 2006. – Chapter 5.

Spinner-Halev, J. “Hinduism, Christianity, and liberal religious toleration.” 2005. – Chapter 6.

Stauffer, D. “Locke on the limits of human understanding.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Steinbauer, A. “John Locke manuscript found.” 2019. – Chapter 6. *

Šturanović, P. “Lockeov uvjet u kontekstu libertarijanski političke folozofije.” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Švec, J. “K historickým zdrojom liberalizmu.” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Szpiro, G. G. Risk, choice, and uncertainty. 2020. – Chapter 8. *

Tabb, K. “Locke on enthusiasm and the association of ideas.” 2019. – Chapter 3.

Tahtah, M. “The controversy between the innate and the acquired” [in Arabic]. 2019. – Chapter 3.

Thomas, E. Absolute time. 2018. – Chapter 3.

Thompson, C. B. America’s revolutionary mind. 2019. – Chapter 7.

Thompson, J. W. Personal and bodily identity. 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Tideman, N. “Pufendorf’s theory of the origin of property rights …” 2020. – Chapter 7. *

Tiller, M. Locke’s ideas of power. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Tüzen, M. “Aydınlanmancı aklın oluşumu.” 2019. – Chapter 3. *

Van der Vossen, B. “As good as ‘enough and as good’.” 2021. – Chapter 7. *

——. “Imposing duties and original appropriation.” 2015. – Chapter 7.

Waldow, A. Experience embodied. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Walker, M. P. A culture of habit. 2019. – Chapter 4. *

Webb, S. “Living philosophy : self-revelation and Damaris Masham’s philosophical autobiography.” 2020. – Chapter 12. *

Weinberg, S. “Locke’s natural and religious epistemology.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Williams, K. J. “Canon before canon, literature before literature.” 2014. – Chapter 3.

Willick, J. “Locke breaks his silence.” 2019. – Chapter 6.

Wörner, D. “Locke’s equivocal category of substance.” 2020. – Chapter 3. *

Yeo, R. “Thinking with excerpts.” 2020. – Chapter 11. *

Zitlin, A. Practical form. 2020. – Chapter 3. *

April 2021

Rickless, S. C. “Corrigendum and errata to Samuel C. Rickless’s ‘Locke on the probability of the mind’s immateriality’.“
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2021.13725.

Numao, J. K. “Addendum to ‘Recent publications’ Locke studies 20 (2020) : Japanese language publications.”   Chapter 1.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2021.13684.

Waldmann, F. “Slavery and absolutism in Locke’s Two treatises.’     Chapter 7.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2021.13777.

  • Other additions this month include:

Milton, J. R. “Introductions” to Drafts for the Essay concerning human understanding. Volume 2. Draft C. 2021. – Chapter 3.

Olsthoorn, J. & Apeldoorn, L. van. “ ‘This man is my property’.” 2020. – Chapter 7.

February 2021

Hill, B. Editorial.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.13631

Lucci, D. “Reconciling Locke’s consciousness-based theory of personal identity and his soteriology” – Chapter 3.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.7321

Schönegger, P. “The Lockean prerogative, natural law, and political power.” – Chapter 7.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.8056

Farr, J. “ ‘Absolute power and authority’.” – Chapter 8.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.10310

Rockwood, N. “Secondary qualities as dispositions.” – Chapter 3.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.10799

Chatterjee, J. D. “Christian antiquity and the Anglican reception of John Locke’s Paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St Paul, 1707-1730” – Chapter 5.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.10597

Rickless, S. C. “Locke on the probability of the mind’s immateriality.” – Chapter 3.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.10677

Hardy, J. “A defense of Locke’s moral epistemology.” – Chapter 3.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.8249

Di Biase, G. Review article on John Locke : les idees et les choses, sous la direction de Luisa Simonutti.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.8537

Hill, B. Recent publications.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.13630.

Hughes, P. “Query concerning Locke’s blurred writing in BL Add Ms 5415 G/4 ‘Map of Charles town, 1662’.” – Chapter 2.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2020.13584.