[ Table of Contents ] [ Name / Title Index ] XXiao, Fuping. 肖福平. 2018. Luoke yu yan zhe xue yan jiu. 洛克语言哲学研究. Xie, Qiwu. 謝啟武. 1997. Luoke. 洛克. Xin, Xiangyang. 辛向阳. 2003. Zheng fu li lun di yi pian. 政府理论第一篇. 1972. Innatismo de ideas y de no-ideas. 2013. [On the idea of limited government and the constitutional value of Locke]. 1998. (tr.) Jiao yu man hua. 敎育漫话. [Locke #572+] Xu, Dajian. 徐大建 2014. (tr.) Jiao yu man hua. 教育漫话 [Chinese translation of Some thoughts]. – [Locke #572+] 2014. (ed.) Lun zi ran fa ze Zhuan zhu. 论自然法则 专著 [Chinese translation of Essays on the law of nature]. – [Locke #945+] 2009. (tr.) Lun xiang di li xi he ti gao huo bi jia zhi de hou guo. 论降低利息和提高货币价值的后果. [Locke #498A] 2006. Cheng fa yu jiao yu. 懲罰與教育. Y1792. Historical account of the Locke family. 1973. J. Rokku no Physical inquiries. 2016. “Critique of John Locke[’s] objection to the innate ideas.” 1998. Liberty worth the name [diss.] 2000. Liberty worth the name. 2001. Locke on refraining, suspending and the freedom to will. 2004. Locke on ideas of substance and the veil of perception. 2004. Manifest activity. 2004. Peach trees, gravity and God [with M. Rozemond] 2006. Waldrons Locke and Lockes Waldron [with N. M. Stolzenberg] 2007. Locke on ideas of identity and diversity. 2008. (ed.) Contemporary perspectives on early modern philosophy. [articles by Bolton, Jacovides, Jolley, Kaufman, McCann, Rogers, and Winkler] 2010. “Free will and volition.” 2011. “Locke on consciousness, personal identity and the idea of duration.” Review of: Jolley 1999. 1993. (ed.) Leibniz and Adam. [article by Brykman] 2013. [Locke on borders of prerogative]. 1952. Rokku to hankōken. 2006. Jon Rokku kanyōron no kenkyū ジョン・ロック寬容論の研究. 2007. (tr.) Rokku seiji ronshū. ロック政治論集. 2013. Jon Rokku no kyōkairon ジョン・ロックの教会論. 1981. John Lockes philosophy of science. 2019. “Rikkenshugi to seijiteki riarizumu.” 「立憲主義と政治的リアリズム. 2021. “Locke’s political constitutionalism.” 1951. Rokku seijishisō no dakyōtekiseikaku ni tsuite. 1952. Meiyo kakumei no ningenzō. 1961. John Locke no teikōken shisō. 1980. Rokku no seijikenryoku ron. 1971. Rokku ni okeru ninshiki hihan no rinrigaku tekidoki ni tsuite. 1946. Ninshiki hihan. 1950. Kindai igirisu tetsugaku no keisei. 1979. Notes on the foundations of Nozicks theory of rights. 1982. Queue line earth. 2008. Representationalism and the linguistic question in early modern philosophy. 1996. An agonized state of peace. Yang, Hanlin. 杨汉麟. 1998. (tr.) Jiao yu man hua. 敎育漫话. [Locke #572+] 2005. Min zhu yu min ben. 民主與民本. 2014. (tr.) Lun zi ran fa ze Zhuan zhu. 论自然法则 专著 [Chinese translation of Essays on the law of nature]. – [Locke #945+] Yang, Sun-sook. 양선숙. 2014. (tr.) 인간지성론 [Korean translation of books 1 and 2 of the Essay]. – [Locke #420+] 1981. (tr.) Zheng fu lun. 政府论. [Locke #164+] 1986. (tr.) Zheng fu lun ci jiang = Second treatise of government. 洛克政府論次講. [Locke #164+] Yébenes, Juan Antonio Valor. See Valor Yébenes, Juan Antonio. 2000. The moral sciences of John Locke and David Hume. 2011. Family politics. 1996. Ephraim Chamberss Cyclopaedia (1728) and the tradition of commonplaces. 2000. Encyclopaedic knowledge. 2001. Encyclopaedic visions. 2003. John Lockes Of study. 2004. Celebrating John Locke after 300 years. 2004. John Locke on friendship. 2004. John Lockes New method and the tradition of commonplaces. 2004. John Lockes New method of commonplacing. 2004. A philosopher and his notebooks. 2006. John Locke and polite philosophy. 2007. Before memex. 2009. John Locke on conversation with friends and strangers. 2014. Notebooks, English virtuosi, and early modern science. 2016. “Notebooks, recollection, and external memory.” 2019. “The individual and the ‘intellectual globe’.” 2019. “John Locke on sound and conversation.” 2019. (ed.) Literary and historical writings. – [Locke #971] 2020. “Thinking with excerpts.” Review of: Willinsky 2017. Yeung, Jason Hing-Kau. See Yang, Qingqui. Yi, Chae-yŏng. 이재영. 2014. (tr.) 인간지성론 [Korean translation of books 1 and 2 of the Essay]. – [Locke #420+] Yi, Kŏk-ch'an. 李克燦. 1982. (tr.) T'ongch'iron. 통치론. [Locke #203+] 2004. The irrelevance of resemblance for Lockian perception of bodies. 1975. Locke, the representative of an age? 1977. John Lockes Some thoughts concerning education. 1980. A note on the manuscript of Lockes translation of Nicoles Essais de morale. 1981. The first editions of John Lockes Some thoughts concerning education. 1983. Lockes coquinaria. 1984. Lockes suggestion of thinking matter [with J.W. Yolton] 1985. John Locke, a reference guide [with J.W. Yolton] 1989. Introduction [to Some thoughts concerning education] 1989. (ed.) Some thoughts concerning education. [Locke #563] 1990. (ed.) A Locke miscellany. 1991. Bibliography in J.W. Yolton, Locke and French materialism. 1996. Lockes copy of the Extract of his Essay? 1997. John Locke, a descriptive bibliography. 2000. (ed.) John Locke as translator. [Locke #785A] 2004. Addenda and errata to John Locke: a descriptive bibliography. 2006. Addenda and errata to John Locke: a descriptive bibliography. Review of: Hall & Woolhouse 1983, Attig 1985. Yolton, John William, 1921-2005. 1951. Lockes unpublished marginal replies to John Sergeant. 1952. John Locke and the way of ideas. 1955. Locke and the seventeenth-century logic of ideas. 1956. John Locke and the way of ideas. 1958. Locke on the law of nature. 1961. Introduction [in An essay concerning human understanding] 1961. (ed.) An essay concerning human understanding. [Locke #265] 1963. The concept of experience in Locke and Hume. 1969. The science of nature. 1969. (ed.) John Locke, problems and perspectives. 1970. Corrigenda to the Yolton edition. 1970. Locke and the compass of human understanding. 1970. Locke on knowledge of body. 1971. Essay concerning human understanding. 1971. John Locke & education. 1971. Locke, John [in Encyclopedia Americana] 1971. Philosophy of science from Descartes to Kant. 1973. Méthode et métaphysique dans la philosophie de John Locke. 1973. The philosophy of John Locke. 1975. Comments on Professor Schouls paper. 1975. Ideas and knowledge in seventeenth-century philosophy. 1975. On being present to the mind. 1975. Textual vs. conceptual analysis in the history of philosophy. 1977. Introduction [to Essay concerning human understanding] 1977. Introduction [in The Locke reader] 1977. (ed.) An essay concerning human understanding [abridged]. [Locke #316] 1977. (ed.) The Locke reader. [Locke #889] 1979. As in a looking-glass. 1981. Locke and Malebranche. 1981. Phenomenology and pragmatism. 1983. Thinking matter. 1984. Lockes suggestion of thinking matter [with J.S. Yolton] 1984. Perceptual acquaintance from Descartes to Reid. 1985. John Locke, a reference guide [with J.S. Yolton] 1985. Locke, an introduction. 1986. Is there a history of philosophy? 1986. Schoolmen, logic and philosophy. 1987. French materialists disciples of Locke. 1988. Locke and materialism. 1989. Introduction [to Some thoughts concerning education] 1989. (ed.) Some thoughts concerning education. [Locke #563] 1990. Mirrors and veils, thoughts and things. 1990. The way of ideas. 1990. (ed.) Philosophy, religion, and science in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. [reprints of articles by Batz, Biddle, Farr, Jolley, Laudan, Osler, Rogers (1966), Rogers (1978), Rogers (1979), Schankula, Tennant, Wallace, Yolton and Yost] 1991. Locke and French materialism. 1991. Locke, John [in The Blackwell companion to the Enlightenment] 1991. (ed.) The Blackwell companion to the Enlightenment. [article by Yolton] 1993. Introduction to Of the conduct of the understanding. 1993. (ed.) Of the conduct of the understanding. [Locke #760+] 1993. A Locke dictionary. 1996. Dicionário Locke. 1996. Perception & reality. 1997. (intr.) The works of John Locke. 9th ed. [reprint]. [Locke #856]. 1998. Lockeeducation for virtue. 1999. (ed.) The dictionary of eighteenth-century British philosophers. [article by Rogers] 2000. Foreword [to John Locke as translator] 2000. Realism and appearances. 2001. Lockes man. 2004. The two intellectual worlds of John Locke. 2007. Logic as those right helps of art in the Dutch Republic. Reviews of: Klemmt 1952, OConnor 1952, Cranston 1957, Cox 1960, Harrison & Laslett 1965, Woolhouse 1971, Duchesneau 1973, Wood 1983, Tarcov 1984, Dunn 1984, Alexander 1985, Caffentzis 1989, Horton & Mendus 1991, Arneil 1996, Locke #944, Locke #950. Yorke, Henry Redhead, 1772-1813. 1794. (ed.) The spirit of John Locke on civil government [Locke #141] 1977. Rokku no Shizenhō ron ni tsuite. 2007. (tr.) Rokku seiji ronshū. ロック政治論集. 1947. Lockes theory of the external world. 1950. Sydenhams philosophy of science. 1951. Lockes rejection of hypotheses about sub-microscopic events. 1990. Orthodoxy assaild. 1998. Religion and enlightenment in eighteenth-century England. 1692. [Epitome of An essay concerning human understanding.] 1980. Conceptualism and neoclassical generality. 1982. Addison and the birth of eighteenth-century aesthetics. 1992. Founding English ethics. 1995. (tr.) Tutkielma hallitusvallasta [Finnish translation of Second treatise]. [Locke #165C] 1987. (ed.) Filosofía política, razón y poder. [article by Serrano] 1998. (tr.) Hoşgörü üzerine bir mektup. [Locke #84+] Z2017. “Church, commonwealth, and toleration : John Locke as a reader of Paul.” 1998. (ed.) Swift, the enigmatic Dean. [articles by Downie] 1992. Lockes identity meaning of ownership. 1995. Locke and the Indians. 1996. Bachelors of science. 1999. Lockean money, indigenism and globalism. 2017. (ed.) The Oxford handbook of philosophy and race. [articles by Uzgalis] 2019. The innate ideas and the foundation of religion : the correspondence of John Locke and Damaris Masham. 1984. Vicos theory of knowledge. 1992. (ed.) Philosophy, science and religion in England, 1640-1700. [articles by Ashcraft, Marshall and Rogers] 2003. How the idea of religious toleration came to the West. 2001. The uniqueness of persons. 2018. “Protiv individue.” Zaichenko, Georgiĭ Antonovich, 1921- . 1959. Filosofii͡a Dzhona Lokka. 1959. K voprosu o skepticizme v teorii poznanii͡a D. Lokka. 1973. Dzhon Lokk. 1983. (ed.) Biographical dictionary of British radicals in the seventeenth century. [article by Lemos] 1996. Judges in their own case. 1995- (ed.) Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. – [articles by Gordon-Roth, Jones, Kochiras, Rickless, Sheridan 2005, Sheridan 2011, Tuckness, Uzgalis 2001 and Uzgalis 2003] 1972. La formazione filosofica di Antonio Genovesi. 1983. The Locke game. Zan, Julio de. See De Zan, Julio. Zan, Mauro de. See De Zan, Mauro. 2016. “Echi settecenteschi del dibattito lockiano sull’sidentità personale.” 1998. (ed.) The skeptical tradition around 1800. [articles by Bongie and Hampsher-Monk] Zanotti, Francesco Maria, 1692-1777. 1983. Un inedito di F.M. Zanotti. 1984. Locke, John, 1637[sic]-1704 [in Dictionnaire des philosophes] 1990. Locke et la théorie de la langue. 1993. Identité et ipséité chez Hobbes et Locke. 1993. Locke, liminaire. 1993. (ed.) Linterpretazione nei secoli XVI e XVII. [article by Vienne] 1995. Individu, personne et sujet dans les doctrines du droit naturel 1995. (ed.) Lindividu dans la pensée moderne. [article by Zarka] 1999. The invention of the subject of the law. 1999. (ed.) Aspects de la pensée médiévale dans la philosophie politique moderne. [article by Spitz] 2000. Lautre voie de la subjectivité. 2000. (ed.) Potentia Dei. [article by Rogers] 2001. (ed.) Métamorphoses du Prince. [article by Simonutti] 2002. (ed.) Les fondements philosophiques de la tolérance. [articles by Champion, Harris, Hutton, Rogers, Spitz; and Locke #74+] 1975. John Locke, scienza e forma della politica. 1881. Einfluss der englischen Philosophen seit Bacon auf die deutsche Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts. 2009. Fundamentos metafísico-teológicos na filosofia experimental de R. Boyle e J. Locke. 1881. Locke als Pädagog. 1976. John Locke the foundations of empiricism. 1976. Locke, Hume and necessity [with R. S. Woolhouse] 1996. Locke and multiculturalism. 2006. Elementy racjonalizmu w empiryzmie Johna Locka. 2018. (tr.) “Dwa fragmenty poświęcone etyce” [with A. Grzeliński] 2020. (ed.) “Towards a history of excerpting in modernity.” – [article by Yeo] Zedler, Johann Heinrich, 1706-1763. 1732. (ed.) Grosses vollständiges universal Lexicon aller Wissenschafften und Künste [anonymous article on Locke] 2016. (ed.) Znaczenia filozofii Oświecenia. – [article by Grzeliński] 2013. (ed.) Medical empiricism and philosophy of human nature in the 17th and 18th century. [article by Etchegaray] 2006. The making of a new copyright Lockean. Zengotita, Thomas De. 2005. “ ‘Philosophy’s gaudy dress’.” 2006. “Response to reply by Terrell Carver.” 1988. (tr.) Over het staatsbestuur. [Locke #165B] 1989. Defoes Moll Flanders. Zhang, Yumei. 张玉梅. 2014. (tr.) Zheng fu lun. 政府论. – [Locke #164+] 2004. (tr.) Zheng fu lun liang pian. 政府论两篇 [Locke #164+] 1901. Dusha i besmrtnost. Zhou, Changzhi. 州长治. 1998. (tr.) Xi fang si da zheng zhi ming zhu. 西方四大政治名著. [Locke #164+] 1950. Philosophen-Lexikon [with G. Jung] 1936. Der Toleranzgedanke bei John Locke und John Toland. 1870. Locke und seine Werke. 1922. Locke und Rousseau im Licht der heutigen pädagogischen Erkenntnis. 1943. De opvoeder Locke. 1916. Die Theorie von der gemischten Verfassung in ihrer literarischen Entwicklung im Altertum 2004. Soul made flesh. 1978. John Lockes philosophy of education. 1980. The education of John Locke. 2004. (ed.) Oxford studies in metaphysics. Volume I. [article by Heil] 2007. (ed.) Persons. [article by Leftow] 2007. Liberal constitutionalism and Schmitts critique [with I. Hampsher-Monk] 1987. Die Auslegung des vierten Gebotes bei Martin Luther, Robert Filmer, und John Locke. 1988. Der Naturzustand im Second treatise of government 1990. Die Zwei-Reiche-Lehre bei John Locke. 1992. Die Aufhebung des Naturrecht in Second treatise of government. 1992. John Lockes theologische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Absolutismus im First treatise of government. 1980. Vom Bewusstsein zum Diskurs. 2015. (ed.) Autorytet [article by Piliszewska] 1997. John Lockes moral revolution [diss.] 2000. Lockes moral revolution. 2001. The internal coherency of Lockes moral views in the Questions concerning the law of nature. 2006. John Lockes moral revolution. 1983. Highlights of thought in the history of music education. 1986. Conoscenza virtuale ed esperienza in Leibniz e Locke. 1958. Locke, John in Grande dizionario enciclopedico] 2001. (ed.) Politics at the turn of the century [article by Zuckert] 2017. “Gesellschaftsvertrag und Staat.” [with J. Schmidt] 2017. (ed.) Politische Philosophie. – [article by Schmidt & Zintl] 2009. (ed.) The culture of the gift in eighteenth-century England [articles by Moltchanova & Ottaway and Smith] 2020. Practical form. 1889. Der Substanzbegriff. 1976. On partisanship as a form of motility in political theory and practice. 1955. (intr.) Rozwżnia dotyczące rozumu ludzkiego. [Locke #428] 1801. (tr.) [Polish translation of Some thoughts concerning education. Locke #630B] 1928. Darstellung und kritische Würdigung der Sprachphilosophie John Lockes. 1992. (ed.) Minds, ideas, and objects. [articles by Atherton, Bolton, Brykman, Flage, Tipton, and Winkler] Zöller, Beate Beckmann- 2010. “Freiheit, Arbeit und Eigentum.” 1999. Radical Whigs and conspiratorial politics 2019. “Liberalism and Locke’s philosophical anthropology.” Zou, Huazheng. 邹化政. 1987. Ren lei li jie lun yan jiu. 《人类理解论》研究. 1914. Einleitung [in Vernünftigkeit des biblischen Christentums, 1695] 1914. (ed.) Vernünftigkeit des biblischen Christentums. [Locke #665] 1971. Spinozisme et tolérance chez le jeune Papin. 1922. Giovanni Stuart Mill e lutilitarismo. 2000. Unequal property and its premise in liberal theory. 2001. Democratic distributive justice. 1889. Zur Theorie des Preises. 1988. (ed.) Understanding the political spirit. [articles by Lowenthal & Tarcov] 1974. Fools and knaves. 1974. The garden died. 1975. The recent literature on Lockes political philosophy. 1978. Of wary physicians and weary readers. 1979. An introduction to Lockes First treatise. 1984. Locke and the problem of civil religion. 1986. John Locke and the problem of civil religion. 1987. Self-evident truth and the Declaration of Independence. 1994. Hobbes, Locke, and the problem of the rule of law. 1994. Natural rights and the new republicanism. 1997. Do natural rights derive from natural law? 2001. Big government and rights. 2001. On the Lockean project of a natural law theory. 2002. Launching liberalism. 2002. Locke in America. 2002. Social compact, common law, and the American amalgam. 2004. Perhaps he was. 2005. Lockereligionequality. 2005. Reconsidering Lockean rights theory. 2007. John Locketowards a politics of liberty. [with J. Covington and J. Thompson] 2007. On constitutional welfare liberalism. 2010. “Locke, John (1632-1704)” [in Encyclopedia of political theory]. 2010. “The Locke essay [by Leo Strauss].” 2011. “The living Locke.” Review of: Von Leyden 1981. 1976. Locke entre Descartes y Hume. 2012. „Ist Lockes politische Philosophie ‚sexixtisch‘ und ‚rassistisch‘?“ 1984. The utility of consent in John Lockes political philosophy. 1993. Nature and liberty. 1993. Lines of authority. 1998. (ed.) The Cambridge companion to English literature, 1650-1740. [article by Springborg] 2003. (ed.) Reading, society and politics in early modern England. [article by McClure] 1938. Bellarmine, Jesuits, and popery. 2011. “States of nature.” |