John Locke Resources

 John Locke Resources

John Locke Resources is a gateway to information about the English philosopher John Locke (1632–1704) and to tools supporting scholarship on Locke. The primary content comprises the three sites listed to the left. Additional resources are listed on the right.

John Locke Bibliography

The John Locke Bibliography is intended as a comprehensive listing of publications by or about John Locke, from the seventeenth century to the present.

John Locke Chronology

The John Locke Chronology is a calendar of datable events in the life, and material in the papers, of John Locke. The first content added to the site consists of information about Locke’s whereabouts.

John Locke Manuscripts

The John Locke Manuscripts is a guide to the manuscript papers of John Locke. It consists of a chronological listing of individual manuscript pieces, with links to publications in which transcriptions or translations have appeared; a repository listing, describing each volume or collection containing Locke manuscripts; and an index of Locke’s correspondents.

The John Locke Society

The John Locke Society is dedicated to the scholarly study of John Locke, his accomplishments, and his intellectual milieu. The aim is to promote fruitful interactions and critical engagements among scholars from all areas of Locke studies.
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Locke Studies

Locke Studies is the one journal in the world that deals specifically with John Locke. It began publication in 1970 under the title The Locke Newsletter; the title was changed to Locke Studies in 2001. It was founded by Roland Hall, who edited it for 43 years; the current editor (2013-  ) is Timothy Stanton. Befinning in 2018, Locke Studies will become an open-access online journal, overseen by The John Locke Society and edited by Benjamin Hill (Western University)


Digital Locke Project

The Digital Locke Project is a pilot project to produce scholarly text editions of Locke manuscripts; initial content will be manuscripts relating to Locke’s philosophy produced between the publication of the Essay concerning human understanding (1689) and Locke’s death in 1704.

John Locke Resources Blog

The John Locke Resources Blog contains announcements of additions to the three sites, as well as announcements of enhancements to the sites in general. Suggestions for additions to any of the sites may be posted as comments to the blog. The blog is available as an RSS feed, which will allow you to receive notice of additions without having to check the site.

I welcome comments on the John Locke Resources sites, as well as suggestions for additional content or links. Information about new publications for inclusion in the John Locke Bibliography should also be sent to Roland Hall for inclusion in Locke Studies.