Some thoughts concerning reading and study for a gentleman
(1703 June?)
British Library, Add. MS. 4290, ff. 11-14.
A paper dictated by Locke to Samuel Bold, giving advice on reading in various fields of study.
Bold gives it the title Mr Lockes extempore advice, &c.
It was published by Pierre Desmaizeau in A collection of several pieces (1720),
with the title Some thoughts concerning reading and study for a gentleman
and often reprinted under that title with various of Lockes works.
During a visit to Locke in June 1703, Bold asked Locke for advice on reading
on behalf of a parishioner; Bold asked Locke to dictate to him the substance of his reply.
The present paper may be Bolds dictation or it may be a fair copy
(see De Beers description, Correspondence vol. 8:54 n.2.).
Axtell, the Yoltons and Goldie all give the location of the manuscript
as MS. Sloane 4290, but this is an error for Add. MS. 4290.
The manuscript consists of two sheets of paper, each folded once to form a total of four leaves,
189 × 143 mm. The final verso (f. 14v) is blank.
Some thoughts concerning reading and study for a gentleman. // IN:
A collection of several pieces of Mr. John Locke
Pages 231-245. [Locke #800]. For other editions and translation,
see John Locke Bibliography.
The educational writings of John Locke : a critical edition /
with introduction and notes by James L. Axtell.
Cambridge : University Press, 1968. pp. 397-404. [Locke #562]
Some thoughts concerning education / by John Locke ;
edited with introduction, notes, and critical apparatus by John W. and Jean S. Yolton.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1989. pp. 319-327. [Locke #563].
Transcribed from the manuscript.
Political essays / Locke ; edited by Mark Goldie.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997. pp. 349-355. [Locke #867+]
Transcribed from the manuscript; includes (p. 376-380) a bibliography of the works cited by Locke.
Axtell, publication #2 above; Yolton & Yolton, publication #3 above, p. 68;
Goldie, publication #4 above, pp. 348-349; De Beer (ed), Correspondence letter 3326 [vol. 8:54 note 2].

An essay for the understanding St Pauls Epistles by consulting St Paul himself
Bodleian Library, MS. Locke c. 27, ff. 217-220.
Drafts for the Preface to Lockes Paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St. Paul (1707);
the published preface is entitled An essay for the understanding of St. Pauls Epistles,
by consulting St. Paul himself.
The draft is headed Paraphrase and An essay for the understanding of St Pauls Epistles
by consulting St Paul himself and endorsed St Pauls Epistles 03.
The manuscript consists of a quire of two folded sheets; f. 220 is blank except for the endorsement.
The text consists of (a) a set of three drafts, separated by a horizontal line
(f. 217-217v);
(b) notes on the chronology of the Pauline Epistles (f. 218-218v);
(c) miscellaneous brief notes, headed Epistles in general (f. 219r);
(d) notes headed Difficulties in St Pauls Epistles (f. 219v-219r).
Wainwright treats each of the four components above as separate manuscripts, although all are clearly
draft material for the Preface.
On two sheets of paper folded to four eight pages, 315 × 195 mm; f. 220 is blank, except for the endorsement.
Testi teologico-filosofici lockiani dal MS. Locke c.27 della Lovelace Collection /
a cura di Mario Sina. // IN:
Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastic. 64 (1972):419-424.
A paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St Paul to the Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians,
Romans, Ephesians / John Locke ; edited by Arthur W. Wainwright.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1987. (The Clarendon edition of the works of John Locke).
vol. 2:664-674. [Locke #720]
Sina, publication #1 above, pp. 418-419; Wainwright, publication #2 above, pp. 664-665.

Synopsis Epistolarum Pauli
[1703 or 1704]
Bodleian Library, MS. Locke c. 27, ff. 221-223.
A paper in Lockes hand, with the title Synopsis Epistolarum Pauli.
The manuscript is written on the backs of three letter covers, signed A1-A3 by Locke.
Although there is no date, f. 222 is written on the back of a letter from Awnsham Churchill endorsed 4 February 1703,
and thus dates from 1703 or 1704.
The synopsis pays particular attention to the Epistles to Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians,
and was probably written while Locke was working on his paraphrase of Ephesians.
A paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St Paul to the Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians,
Romans, Ephesians / John Locke ; edited by Arthur W. Wainwright.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1987. (The Clarendon edition of the works of John Locke).
vol. 2:689-690. [Locke #720]
Wainwright, publication #2 above, p. 689.
