John Locke Bibliography

Registry: Manuscript Entries 0001-1000

For a generall naturalization                               1693     w
First tract on government                                   1660     w
Preface to the First tract                                  1661     w
Second tract on government                                  1662     w
005 Trade essay                                             1674     w
Venditio                                                    1695     w
Morbus                                                      1666     w
Essay on toleration                                         1667     w
Toleratio                                                   1679     w
010 Some of the cheif greivances ...                        1697     w
Essay on infallibility                                      1661     w
Respirationis usus                                          1666     w
Thirteen proposals relating to recoinage                    1695     w
Anatomia                                                    1668     w
015 Some consequences that are like to follow ...           1668     w
De arte medica                                              1669     w
Reasons why the paper manufacture in England ...            1696     w
Labor                                                       1693     w
Atlantis                                                    1676     w
020 Epitome of the Essay                                    1684     w
Method                                                      1694     w
On allegiance and the revolution                            1690     w
Midwifery notes                                             1695     w
Forme of a truss                                            1700     w
025 Essays on the law of nature                             1663     w
Of the 4 constitutions [Sydenham?]                          1679     w
Dysentry [Sydenham?]                                        1670     w
Virtus                                                      1681     w
Of study                                                    1677     w
Variola                                                     1670     w
030 Smallpox Preface 70                                     1670     w
Epistle and Preface to Sydenham on smallpox                 1670     w
Recreation                                                  1677     w
Tussis                                                      1668     w
Spelling                                                    1676     w
035 Extension                                               1676     w
Idolatry                                                    1676     w
Passions                                                    1676     w
Faith & Reason                                              1676     w
Toleration, Peace                                           1676     w
040 Transubstantiation                                      1676     w
Knowledge                                                   1676     w
On translating Nicole                                       1677     w
Spacium                                                     1676     w
Extension                                                   1676     w
045 Simple ideas                                            1676     w
Essay [de] morall                                           1676     w
Species                                                     1676     w
Understanding                                               1677     w
Arguments positive and negative                             1677     w
050 Cartesii opera                                          1667     w
Adversaria                                                  1677     w
Space, Distance                                             1677     w
Sensation, Delight, Senses                                  1677     w
Error                                                       1677     w
055 Species                                                 1677     w
Relation, Space                                             1678     w
Memory, Imagination, Madnesse                               1678     w
Space                                                       1678     w
Methode pour bien etudier la doctrine de Mr de Cartes       1678     w
060 Infinitum                                               1678     w
Modes complex                                               1678     w
Opinion                                                     1679     w
Unity                                                       1679     w
On religion                                                 1681     w
065 Knowledge                                               1681     w
On ideas and knowledge                                      1681     w
Cudworth                                                    1682     w
On enthusiasm                                               1682     w
On the immortality of the soul                              1682     w
070 On knowledge of God                                     1682     w
Pacifick Christians                                         1688     w
Early medical notes                                         1650s    w
Rules of the Dry Club                                       1692     w
Tractatus de Variolis                                       1669     w
075 The Clubb                                               1694     w
Answer to Mr Norris Reflections 92                          1692     w
Rachitis                                                    1666     w
Happynesse                                                  1676     w
Ethica 92                                                   1692     w
080 Morality                                                1677     w
Philanthropoy                                               1675     w
Queries Popery 75                                           1675     w
De S. Scripturae authoritate                                1685     w
An inward inspiration or revelation                         1687     w
085 Redemption, Death                                       1697     w
Spirit, soul, and body                                      1697-    w
Who righteous man                                           1696     w
Critique of Bentley's Of the revelation                     1696     w
Observations on Mr Bolds papers                             1698     w
090 Christianae religionis synopsis                         1702     w
An essay for the understanding St Paul's Epistles ...       1703     w
Volkelii Hypothesis lib de vera religione                   unkn     w
Resurrectio et quae sequuntur                               1699?    w
Synopsis Epistolarum Pauli                                  1703     w
095 Notes on 1 Cor. XV                                      unkn     w
Excommunication                                             1674     w
The particular test for priests                             1674?    w
Obligation of penal laws                                    1676     w
Extasy, Dreaming                                            1676     w
100 Mania                                                   1676     w
Madnesse                                                    1676     w
Politica                                                    1676     w
Turks                                                       1677     w
Prejudice, Discourse                                        1678     w
105 Scrupulosity                                            1678     w
Toleration                                                  1678     w
Law                                                         1678     w
Bruta sentiunt                                              1678     w
Lex nat[urae]                                               1678     w
110 Vertue                                                  1678     w
Happynesse                                                  1678     w
Scrupulosity                                                1678     w
Credit, Disgrace                                            1678     w
Carolina                                                    1679     w
115 Marriage                                                1679     w
Idea of God                                                 1680     w
On reason, passion, and superstition                        1681     w
On laws                                                     1681     w
On the Labadists                                            1684     w
120 On identity of persons                                  1683     w
Conformitas                                                 1679     w
Aqua medicinalis                                            1679     w
Terra                                                       1679     w
Patriae Amor                                                1679     w
125 Amor Patriae                                            1679     w
Amor                                                        1679     w
Idolatria                                                   1679     w
Antlia                                                      1679     w
Scriptura Sacra                                             1692     w
130 Ecclesia                                                1682     w
Superstitio                                                 1682     w
Traditio                                                    1682     w
Unitaria                                                    1695     w
Liberum arbitrium                                           1695     w
135 Pietas                                                  1679     w
Iustitia                                                    1679     w
Politia                                                     1679     w
Gravitas                                                    1687     w
Gloriatio                                                   1688     w
140 Ignorantia                                              1690     w
Selecting the grand jury                                    1681     w
Some queries upon the statute of 3 H. 8 ...                 1681     w
Adversaria [C]                                              1681?    w
Thus I thinke                                               1686?    w
145 Of ethick in general                                    1686?    w
On William Sherlock's Case of allegiance                    1690     w
Ethica                                                      1694     w
Anima                                                       1694     w
Homo ante et post lapsum                                    1694     w
150 Voluntas                                                1694     w
Ethica [Law?]                                               1693     w
Adversaria                                                  1670?    w
Toleration                                                  1675?    w
Iustitia                                                    1695     w
155 Sacerdos                                                1698     w
Error                                                       1698     w
Disputatio                                                  1700     w
Religio                                                     1699     w
Idolatria                                                   1694     w
160 Voluntas                                                1694     w
Lingua                                                      1694     w
Religio                                                     1694     w
Prophetia                                                   1697     w
Peccatum originale                                          1692     w
165 Gratia                                                  1692     w
Pactum                                                      1670?    w
Deus                                                        1672?    w
Church                                                      1699     w
Qs on S.P.'s discourse of toleration 69                     1669     w
170 Some thoughts concerning reading and study              1703     w
Education 97 To the Countesse of Peterborow                 1697     w
Printing 94: Notes on the Licensing Act of 1662             1694     w
Printing 95: Draft bill for regulating the press            1695     w
Printing 95: Locke's notes on the draft bill                1695     w
175 Reason of the Commons agt reviveing the printing act    1695     w
Critical notes on Stillingfleet                             1681     w
Essay on the poor law                                       1697     w
The fundamental constitutions of Carolina                   1669     w
Drafts for The fundamental constitutions of Carolina        1669?    w
180 Notes on Hebrews                                        unkn     w
Weather register 1691/2                                     1691     w
Pocket memorandum book for 1669                             1669     w
Some directions concerning the education of his son         1684     w
Adversariorum Methodus [Latin]                              1685     w
185 Adversariorum methodus [English]                        1685     w
Medical case notes [Observationes medicae]                  1667     w
Intellectus [Draft A]                                       1671     w
An essay concerning the understanding [Draft B]             1671     w
Sapientia                                                   1672     w
190 An essay concerning humane understanding, 1.2 [Draft C] 1685     w
Translations from Nicole's Essais de morale                 1678     w
Adversaria, 19 August 1677                                  1677     w
Adversaria, 12 November 1677                                1677     w
Adversaria [3]                                              1677/8   w
195 Adversaria                                              1679?    w
Adversaria                                                  1679     w
Queries on Scottish church government                       1668     w
Aestimatio                                                  1679-84  w
Conversatio                                                 1679-84  w
200 Malevoli                                                1679-84  w
Mos                                                         1679-84  w
Draft for Essay II.xxi                                      1694?    w
Draft for Essay III.x.11                                    1694?    w
Draft for Essay III.x.13                                    1694?    w
205 Deus. Des Cartes's proof of a God                       1696     w
Division of the sciences                                    unkn     w
Cardialgia                                                  1684     w
Canis rabidi morsus                                         1684     w
Mucus                                                       1684     w
210 Tormina                                                 1684     w
List of books sent to England from France                   1679     w
Some general reflections upon ... St John's Gospel          1690s?   w
Of seeing all things in God                                 1693     w
Some other loose thoughts ...                               1693     w
215 Catalogue of books ...                                  1679     w
Books of mine put into the box marked C.B. No 1             1678     w
Electio                                                     1702?    w
Voluntas                                                    1702     w
Catalogue de livres deffendus ...                           1679     w
220 Draft for Essay IV.xix, Of enthusiasm                   1695?    w
Draft for Essay IV.iii.6                                    1695?    w
Draft for Essay II.xxxiii, Of the association of ideas      1695?    w
Draft for Essay IV.xii.3                                    1699?    w
Draft for Essay                                   1699?    w
225 Of the conduct of the understanding                     1695?    w
Philanthropoy comments                                      1679     w
Copys 90                                                    1690     w
Copys 94                                                    1694     w
Money Further considerations 95 Copys                       1695     w
230 Further considerations ... Copys                        1695     w
Several papers ... Copys                                    1696     w
Education 1693 Copys                                        1696+    w
Education 1695 Copys                                        1696+    w
Human understanding 3d Edit                                 1696+    w
235 [Letter to the Bishop] Copys                            1697     w
3 Reply to Bp Worcester Copys                               1698     w
Education 99 Copys                                          1699     w
Human understanding 1700 Copys                              1700     w
Reply Copys 97                                              1697     w
240 Education Copys 93                                      1693     w
Education 3d Ed: Copys 95                                   1695     w
94 Understanding 2d Ed Copys                                1694     w
Understanding 3d Ed: Copys                                  1695?    w
Several papers 96 Copys                                     1696     w
245 Copys of 1700 [Essay]                                   1700     w
Copia T                                                     1692     w
Copia A                                                     1692     w
Adversariorum methodus [Latin draft]                        1685     w
Guineas                                                     1695     w
250 Paper given to Sir William                              1695     w
Propositions sent to the Lords Justices                     1695     w
Answers to My Lord Keeper's Queries                         1695     w
Early draft of Further considerations                       1695     w
Draft of Some considerations                                1690     w
255 Color                                                   1700     w
Reasons against the Bill for the Test                       1675     w
The Test Bill                                               1675     w
A Letter from a Person of Quality                           1675     w
Desmaizeaux's annotated copy of the Letter                  1710s    w
260 Fourth letter for toleration                            1704     w
Madnesse                                                    1677     w
Madnesse, Folly                                             1677     w
Locke's will                                                1704     w
Anima                                                       1694     w
265 Connection of ideas                                     1694     w
Enthusiasm [caption]                                        1694     w
Libertie                                                    1694     w
Notes on Malebranche, Recherche                             1694     w
Three revisions for 2nd ed. of Reasonableness               1695     w
270 Biblical verses                                         1695     w
Notes for Reasonableness                                    1695     w
Fragment for Reasonableness                                 1695     w
Adam ante lapsum immortalis                                 1695     w
Newton's comments on L's paraphrase of Romans               1704     w
275 Newton's Hist acct of two notable corruptions           1690     w
Newton's Apocalyptic time chart                             1691     w
Lists of biblical verses                                    1695     w
Weather diary                                               1666     w
Satellitus Jovis                                            1679     w
280 Christianity                                            1695     w
Life, Death                                                 1695     w
Christianity                                                1695     w
Rewards life & death                                        1695     w
Heralds                                                     1679     w
285 Ferrum                                                  1679     w
Panis                                                       1679     w
Bombarda                                                    1679     w
Oleum                                                       1679     w
Level                                                       1679     w
290 Septimana                                               1679     w
Rosecrucians                                                1679     w
Sacerdotium                                                 1679     w
Olea                                                        1679     w
Clemangis                                                   1679     w
295 Consuetudo                                              1679     w
Map of Carolina                                             1671     o
Pensilvania laws                                            1686     w
Tolerantia pro                                              1688     w
Defense of Reasonableness                                   1695     w
300 Extracts from Reasonableness                            1704     w
Evangelia                                                   1679     w
Boyle, Observations on his treatise                         1681     w
Prophetia                                                   unkn     w
Hypothesis, Testamentum Vetus                               1685     w
305 Dubia circa Philosophiam Orientalem                     1693?    w
Chronologia sacra                                           1693?    w
Lexicon Syncatabasis 7                                      1688     w
Caballa                                                     1688     w
Observations on ... SN[ye]                                  1695     w
310 Revelation, Its several ways under the old Testament    1696     w
"Now our Athenian olive spreads"                            1651     w
"Orozes, King of Albania"                                   1661     w
Two Latin orations                                          1652     w
"Principi Daniae Oxonium ex Itinere divertenti 62"          1662     w
315 Adversaria                                              1681     w
Adversaria                                                  unkn     w
Universities Nov 90                                         1690     w
Memoirs relaitng to the life of Shaftesbury                 unkn     w
Epitaph for Shaftesbury                                     unkn     w
320 Account of the family of Shaftesbury                    unkn     w
Passages copied from Edmund Ludlow's Memoirs                unkn     w
Thurneisserus                                               1679     w
Mensura                                                     1679     w
Sanitas tuenda                                              1679     w
325 Pica                                                    1679     w
Lapis                                                       1680     w
Epilepsia                                                   1681     w
Lassitudo                                                   1681     w
Topica                                                      1681     w
330 Terrae motus                                            1692     w
Titles of the natural and experimental history ... air      1682     w
Morbus: Preliminary topics ... history of diseases          1682     w
Menstrua                                                    1665     w
Pestis L                                                    1665     w
335 Pleuritis                                               1665     w
Pleuritis                                                   1665     w
Febris annua                                                1665     w
Febris                                                      1665     w
Auri tinctura                                               1670     w
340 Ambusta                                                 1696     w
Epilepsia                                                   1666     w
Epilepsia                                                   1666     w
Epilepsia                                                   1676     w
Sales alkali                                                1666     w
345 Stranguria                                              1666     w
Salivatio Q                                                 1666     w
Scabies Q                                                   1670     w
Respiratio laesa Q                                          1666     w
Respiratio                                                  1666     w
350 Frigus Q                                                1666     w
Aer                                                         1666     w
Aeris gravitas                                              1666     w
Fulmen Q                                                    1666     w
Fluor albus                                                 1670     w
355 Alimentum Q                                             1666     w
Ascitici nonsudant Q                                        1666     w
Arthritis Q                                                 1668     w
Coryza Q                                                    1667     w
Colica Q                                                    1667     w
360 Palpitatio                                              1667     w
Vitri coloratio                                             1667     w
Viperae morsus Q                                            1670     w
Sitis                                                       1666     w
Catarrhus                                                   1667     w
365 Catarrhus                                               1667     w
Calculus                                                    1668     w
Vapor                                                       1667     w
Sudor                                                       1667     w
Purgatio Q                                                  1667     w
370 Pulsus Q                                                1668     w
Mania                                                       1667     w
Marasmus Q                                                  1669     w
Bilis Q                                                     1669     w
Dolor hystericus                                            1669     w
375 Opium                                                   1669     w
Diarrhaea                                                   1669     w
Haemoptoe                                                   1680     w
Raucedo                                                     1675     w
Pediculi                                                    1668     w
380 Pediculi inquinales                                     1668     w
Podinae                                                     1667     w
Index of Lipsius, Method, 1668                              1668     w
Flatus hypocondriacus                                       1679     w
Febris dolorosa                                             1679     w
385 Venerea                                                 1679     w
Venerea                                                     1679     w
Salubritas                                                  1679     w
Atramentum                                                  1673     w
Atramentum Typographicum                                    1682     w
390 Cholera sicca                                           1680     w
Hypochondrij sinistri dolor                                 1681     w
Colica                                                      1694     w
Hydrops                                                     1702     w
Epilepsia                                                   1695     w
395 Respiratio                                              1666     w
Hypochondriaca                                              1666     w
Atrophia                                                    1666     w
Ventus                                                      1666     w
Soporosi affectus m:                                        1666     w
400 Febri intermittentis causa                           1666     w
Somnus                                                      1666     w
Fel                                                         1666     w
Sanguis                                                     1666     w
Ignis                                                       1666     w
405 Subtilis materia                                        1666     w
Febrifuga                                                   1666     w
Fermentatio                                                 1666     w
Sal volatile                                                1666     w
Sanguis                                                     1666     w
410 Scorbutus                                               1666     w
Nutritio                                                    1666     w
Hydrops                                                     1666     w
Sanguis                                                     1666     w
Apepsia                                                     1666     w
415 Sanguis                                                 1666     w
Podagra                                                     1666     w
Vitrificatio                                                1666     w
Fel                                                         1666     w
Arthritis                                                   1666     w
420 Fermentatio                                             1666     w
Hydrops                                                     1666     w
Icterus                                                     1666     w
Aer London                                                  1667     w
Note on Matthew 25:34                                       1690s    w
425 Note on Luke 12:50                                      1690s    w
Note on John 1:29                                           1690s    w
Note on I Samuel 3                                          1690s    w
Note on John 5:33                                           1690s    w
Note on John 6:30                                           1690s    w
430 Note on Job 33:23                                       1690s    w
Adversaria theologica 94                                    1694     w
Catalogue of books in London                                1689+    w
Straine                                                     1699     w
Mouth sore                                                  1695     w
435 Sores                                                   1696     w
Fragment from a laborary notebook by George Starkey         1651     w
Locke's case notes on Lord Ashley's case                    1668     w
Sir George Ent's case notes on Lord Ashley's case           1668     w
Locke's case report                                         1668     w
Ent's advice                                                1668     w
Micklethwaite's advice                                      1668     w
Dr. Francis Glisson's advice                                1668     w
Dr. Timothy Clarke's advice                                 1668     w
Dr. Thomas Sydenham's advice                                1668     w
445 Locke's advice                                          1668     w
Letter from Strickland to Talbot                            1668     w
Letter from Arnold to [Ashley]                              1668     w
Letter from Thomas Bankes                                   1668     w
Lord Ashley's queries                                       1668     w
450 Briolay de Beaupreau to Browne                          1669     w
Ashley & Locke to Briolay de Beaupreau                      1671     w
Draft bills to regulate elections                           1699     w
Plantations A                                               1668     w
Plantations B                                               1668     w
455 Jamaica A                                               1668     w
Jamaica B                                                   1669     w
Ireland                                                     1668?    w
Surinam                                                     1669     w
Sena                                                        1668     w
460 Valedictory address                                     1664     w
Dr Locke's case of ... the Countess of Northumberland       1677     w
To Mr Greenhill with Cowleys Poems                          1672?    w
Curse on the park                                           1680     w
Letter from Shaftesbury to Charles II                       1677     w
465 Passport issued to Sir Walter Vane for his embassy      1665     w
Letterbook of Sir Walter Vane                               1665     w
Reasons for tolerateing Papists equally with others         1667     w
S Parker on Toleration                                      1669?    w
Draft of an act of Parliament for regulation of Elections   1699?    w
470 Whitby on the Epistles. 1 Cor XV.53                     1699     w
Pocket memorandum book, 1684                                1684     w
On allegiance drafts                                        1690     w
Memoir on Locke's Life (by Tyrrell?)                        1718?    w