Deland, Margaret. R. J.’s Mother and Some Other People. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1908.
Jones, William H. The Triangle’s End. New York: Exposition Press, Inc, 1954.
Bonosky, Phillip. The Magic Fern. New York: International Publishers, 1961.
Delman, David. A Week to Kill. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc, 1972.
Kuzneski, Chris. The Plantation. Lincoln, NE:, Inc, 2001.
Hegamin, Tonya Cherie. M+O 4EVR. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2008.
The Urban Griot. One Crazy Night. West Babylon, NY: Urban Books, 2009.
Palumbo, Dennis. Panic Attack. Daniel Rinaldi Mysteries, 6/6. Naperville, IL: Poisoned Pen Press, 2021.