Ball, Zachary. Young Mike Fink. New York: Holiday House, 1958.
Felton, Harold W., and Aldren A. Watson. Mike Fink: Best of the Keelboatmen. Being a Revealing and Trustworthy Account of Events in the Life of the RENOWNED RIVERMAN, Indian Scout, and Relentless Enemy of Divers and Sundry Outlaws, Containing Facts, Anecdotes, History, Legend, and Folklore of the UNIQUE AND JUSTLY FAMED HERO Including His Experience in His Inimitable Craft, the Lightfoot, Taken from Ancient, Original Resources. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1960.
Flory, Jane. The Great Bamboozlement. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982.
N. The Last of the Boatmen [in The Western Souvenir]. Cincinnati: N. & G. Guilford, 1828.
Field, Joseph M. Mike Fink: The Last of the Boatmen. St. Louis: The Reveille, 1847.
Bennett, Emerson. Mike Fink: Legend of the Ohio. Cincinnati: Robinson & Jones, 1848, 1848.
Rayford, Julian Lee. Child of the Snapping Turtle, Mike Fink. New York: Abelard Press, 1951.
Bowman, James Cloyd, and Leonard Everett Fisher. Mike Fink: Snapping Turtle of the Ohio, Snag of the Massassip. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1957.