Buck, Elizabeth Hawthorn, and Frank Lea. Moccasins in the Wilderness. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Co, 1938.
captives of Native Americans
Lange, D. [Dietrich], and John D. Whiting. The Raid of the Ottawa. Boston: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co, 1921.
Schumann, Mary. Strife before Dawn. New York: Dial Press, 1939.
Whalen, Will W. The Red Lily of the Buchanan Valley. Orrtanna, PA: White Squaw Publishing Co, 1923.
Lenski, Lois. Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison. Philadelphia: Frederick A. Stokes, 1941.
Fitzgerald, Pitt L., and H. Rudolph Pott. The Trail of the Ragged Fox. Philadelphia: Macrae Smith Co, 1930.
Allen, Hervey, and Andrew Wyeth. The Forest and the Fort. Sylvania trilogy, 1/3. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1943.
Richter, Conrad. The Light in the Forest. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1953.
Clagett, John. Buckskin Cavalier. New York: Crown Publishers, 1954.