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Eagleson, Hodge MacIlvain. Right Here in Squirrel Hill. Pittsburgh: Jackson Church Press, 1953.
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Hossler, Sam. Frontier Preacher: The Life of John Corbly, 1733-1803. Ormond Beach, FL: Granny Apple Publishing, LLC, 2010.
Standish, Hal. Fred Fearnot and "Pittsburg Pete"; Or, Lively Times in the Oil Country. New York: Work and Win (Frank Tousey), 1907.
Cochran, Louis. The Fool of God: A Novel Based Upon the Life of Alexander Campbell. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1958.
Wideman, John Edgar. The Stories of John Edgar Wideman. New York: Pantheon Books, 1992.