Constantine, K. C. Bottom Liner Blues. Mario Balzic series, 10/17. New York: The Mysterious Press of Warner Books, 1993.
Pennsylvania State Police
Constantine, K. C. Cranks and Shadows. Mario Balzic series, 11/17. New York: The Mysterious Press of Warner Books, 1995.
Constantine, K. C. Good Sons. Mario Balzic series, 12/17. New York: The Mysterious Press of Warner Books, 1996.
Constantine, K. C. Family Values. Mario Balzic series, 13/17. New York: The Mysterious Press of Warner Books, 1997.
Hayes, Clair W. [Wallace]. The Boy Troopers on Strike Duty. The Boy Troopers series, 3/4. New York: A. L. Burt Co, 1922.
Dashofy, Annette. Bridges Burned. Zoe Chambers Mystery series, 3/11. Henery Press, 2015.
Milliron, Liz. Root of All Evil. Laurel Highland Mystery series, 1/5. Level Best Books, 2018.
Milliron, Liz. Heaven Has No Rage. Laurel Highland Mystery series, 2/5. Level Books Best, 2019.
Faber, Elmer. Behind the Law: True Stories Compiled from the Archives of the Pennsylvania State Police. Greensburg, PA: Chas. M. Henry Printing Co, 1933.
Dashofy, Annette. Under the Radar. Zoe Chambers Mystery series, 9/11. Henery Press, 2020.