Goran, Lester. The Paratrooper of Mechanic Avenue. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1960.
Graham, Bruce. Early One Evening at the Rainbow Bar and Grille. New York: Samuel French, 1989.
Constantine, K. C. Cranks and Shadows. Mario Balzic series, 11/17. New York: The Mysterious Press of Warner Books, 1995.
Goran, Lester. She Loved Me Once and Other Stories. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1997.
Goran, Lester. Outlaws of the Purple Cow and Other Stories. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1999.
Gambone, James Vincent , Jr. Ride the Wild Pony and Other Stories from 57 Steuben Street: A Children’s Book for Grown-Ups. Crystal Bay, MN: Elder Eye Press, 2021.