Title | Fighting Hal, or, From Fort Necessity to Quebec |
Year of Publication | 1894 |
Publication Type | Dime Novel |
Number of Pages or Episodes | 211 p. |
Language | English |
Authors | De Morgan, John |
Publisher | Street and Smith |
City | New York |
Keywords | Battle of Ft. Necessity; Christopher Gist (1706-59); French Americans; French and Indian War; George Washington (1732-99); Native Americans; Quakers; Roman Catholics; Tanacharison (Half-King) (c. 1700-64) |
Abstract | Harry Leonard, a frontier teen of Fayette County, joins with George Washington and Christopher Gist in 1753 during their emissary mission to Ft. LeBeouf and later at the Battle of Ft. Necessity. |
Author Biography | John De Morgan (1848-1926) was an Irish-born radical, Marxist, and writer who fled to New York in 1880, where he wrote science fiction and dime novels. |
Time | 1753-5 |