A History of the Early Adventures of Washington among the Indians of the West; And the Story of His Love for Maria Frazier, the Exile's Daughter; With an Account of the Mingo Prophet, Whose Most Singular Adventures are Blended with Washington, and His Love of the Forest Girl
Year of Publication |
Publication Type |
Number of Pages or Episodes |
78 p.
Language |
Contributors |
Josiah Priest |
Publisher |
J. Munsell, Printer
City |
Albany, NY
Genre | |
Keywords | |
Abstract |
A novelization of George Washington’s rumored wooing of Maria Frazier, the daughter of John Frazier, the first trader on Turtle Creek and the Monongahela River.
Notes |
Settings are referred to by their historical names, as follows: Lawrenceville is Shannopin's Town; Kittanning is Catanyan; Harmony Twp. is Logstown.
Author Biography |
Josiah Priest (1788-1861) was an American author born in Unadilla, New York.
Time |
Places | |
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