Just a Woman
Year of Publication |
Publication Type |
Number of Pages or Episodes |
321 p.
Language |
Contributors |
Richard Parker |
Publisher |
Macauley Company
City |
New York
Genre | |
Keywords | |
Abstract |
A novelization of the stage play, Just a Woman (1916), in which Anna Stanley, a Pittsburgh housewife, helps her husband Jim—a recovering alcoholic and laborer—rise to director of a steel company. As Jim supports worker’s rights, company officials try to ruin him with alcohol, which precipitates an affair. Jim’s mistress convinces him to sue Anna for divorce on the false charge of infidelity, but Jim eventually confesses his plot to the court and is sentenced to prison. Jim returns seeking Anna’s forgiveness—admitting she's “more than just a woman”—just as their son departs to fight in World War I.
Notes |
Based on the play by Eugene Walter (1874-1941).
Author Biography |
Richard Parker novelized popular American plays.
Time |
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