Title | The Nemesis of Chautauqua Lake; or, Circumstantial Evidence |
Year of Publication | 1901 |
Publication Type | Novel |
Number of Pages or Episodes | 158 p. |
Language | English |
Authors | Richmond, Almon B. |
Publisher | The Progressive Thinker Publishing House |
City | Chicago |
Keywords | Anthony Wayne (1745-96); David Bradford (1762-1808); distillers; farms; George Washington (1732-99); John Neville (1731-1803); judges; legal profession; Pontiac's Rebellion; soldiers; tax collectors; Whiskey Rebellion |
Abstract | Frank Hall, a Westfield, New York judge, is called by President Washington to travel to Pittsburgh and provide legal aid during the Whiskey Rebellion and Pontiac's Rebellion. |
Author Biography | Almon Richmond (1825-1906), a graduate of Allegheny College, was nationally-known criminal attorney and longtime dean of the Crawford County Bar. He died and is buried in Meadville, Crawford County. |
Time | 1792-3 |