Title | Oh Stephy C. Foster: A Comedy in Three Acts Telling the Charming Life Story of Stephen C. Foster |
Year of Publication | 1926 |
Publication Type | Playscript |
Number of Pages or Episodes | 65 p. |
Language | English |
Authors | Smith, Earl Hobson |
Publisher | The Kentucky Playmakers |
City | Lexington, KY |
Keywords | Stephen Foster (1826-64) |
Abstract | A biographical play about Stephen Foster. |
Notes | North Side is referred to as Allegheny City, as it was then known. Opened at Woodland Park Auditorium in Lexington, Kentucky, on January 19, 1926. |
Author Biography | Earl Hobson Smith (1898-1982), a nationally-known playwright, was a professor of English, speech and dramatics at Lincoln Memorial University. |
Time | 1849-60s |