Title | Shadow of the Alleghenies: The Wilderness Adventures of a Frontiersman and His Wolf Pup |
Year of Publication | 2009 |
Publication Type | Novel |
Number of Pages or Episodes | 367 p. |
Language | English |
Authors | Michael, Edwin Daryl |
Publisher | Quarrier Press |
City | Charleston, WV |
Keywords | French and Indian War; George Washington (1732-99) |
Abstract | Fur-trading Scot Angus McCallander travels the colonies with his wolf pup, Schatto, before joining George Washington’s cause in the French and Indian War. |
Notes | Bedford is referred to as Raystown, as it was then known. |
Author Biography | Edwin Daryl Michael, born in Marion County, West Virginia, earned a BS from Marietta College and MS and PhD degrees from Texas A&M University. He taught at West Virginia University from 1970 through 1997. |
Time | 1750s |