Shadow of the Alleghenies: The Wilderness Adventures of a Frontiersman and His Wolf Pup

TitleShadow of the Alleghenies: The Wilderness Adventures of a Frontiersman and His Wolf Pup
Year of Publication2009
Publication TypeNovel
Number of Pages or Episodes367 p.
AuthorsMichael, Edwin Daryl
PublisherQuarrier Press
CityCharleston, WV
KeywordsFrench and Indian War; George Washington (1732-99)

Fur-trading Scot Angus McCallander travels the colonies with his wolf pup, Schatto, before joining George Washington’s cause in the French and Indian War.


Bedford is referred to as Raystown, as it was then known.

Author Biography

Edwin Daryl Michael, born in Marion County, West Virginia, earned a BS from Marietta College and MS and PhD degrees from Texas A&M University. He taught at West Virginia University from 1970 through 1997.

