Title | Sim Greene and Tom the Tinker's Men: A Narrative of the Whisky Insurrection; Being a Setting Forth of the Memoirs of the Late David Froman, Esquire |
Year of Publication | 1907 |
Publication Type | Novel |
Number of Pages or Episodes | 380 p. |
Language | English |
Authors | Wiley, Richard Taylor |
Publisher | The J. C. Winston Company |
City | Philadelphia |
Keywords | "Pittsburgh Gazette"; Albert Gallatin (1761-1849); Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804); Battle of Bower Hill; Battle of Bushy Run; distillers; farms; George Washington (1732-99); Henry Bouquet (1719-65); Hugh Henry Brackenridge (1748-1816); Pontiac's Rebellion; Protestants; Scots-Irish Americans; soldiers; tax collectors; Whiskey Rebellion |
Abstract | A dramatization of the Whiskey Rebellion. |
Notes | Settings are referred to by their historical names as follows: Bedford is Raystown; Ft. Lafayette is Ft. Fayette. |
Author Biography | Richard Taylor Wiley (1856-1954), a longtime resident of Elizabeth, Allegheny County, was a writer and member of the Western Pennsylvania Historical Society. |
Time | 1788-1801 |