Steel/City: A Docudrama in Three Acts
Year of Publication |
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Number of Pages or Episodes |
113 p.
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Contributors |
Gillette Elvgren Author: Attilio Favorini |
Publisher |
University of Pittsburgh Press
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Abstract |
A musical docudrama memorializing Pittsburgh history—frontier, industrial, ethnic, and working class—from the 1790s to the American Bicentennial, when the play was first produced. “The play's climax,” says the cover copy, “is the infamous Homestead Strike of 1892, when Pinkerton agents hired by Frick clashed with workers at the Homestead plant of the Carnegie Steel Company on the banks of the Monongahela River.”
Notes |
This work is catalogued as 1976, when the play premiered, although the playscript was not published until 1992.
Uptown is referred to as Soho, as it was then known. The play opened at the University of Pittsburgh Theater on March 11, 1976. |
Author Biography |
Gillette Elvgren (1943— ) was professor of theatre arts at the University of Pittsburgh for many years and now is at the Department of Cinema-Television at Regent University. He lives in Chesapeake, Virginia. Attilio “Buck” Favorini (1943—2022) held a Ph.D. in the History of the Theatre from Yale. He was the founding chair of Pitt's Department of Theatre Arts and founder of the Three Rivers Shakespeare Festival. He lived in Pittsburgh's Squirrel Hill neighborhood.
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