This interactive map is a key feature to The Pittsburgh Novel bibliography. It consists of two layers of zones. One is the Pittsburgh neighborhood layer which outlines all neighborhoods within Pittsburgh as regions or zones. An additional layer outlines all other municipalities in the western half of Pennsylvania. Clicking on a region in the map provides a list of titles associated with that region or zone with links to that title in the bibliography. To view titles associated with a different region, clear the search field by clicking the X in the right of that field above the search results.
To view any titles associated with Pittsburgh neighborhoods, zoom in and click on a neighborhood. Here you will see the title, year, author, location information, and any additional places in which this title may be set.
To view any titles associated with western Pennsylvania municipalities, zoom in to the municipality desired and click on it. Here you will see the title, year, author, location information, and any additional places in which this title may be set. Because some titles may have multiple place settings, they can be listed twice in different parts of the map.
For a full size version of the map, see it in ArcGIS.