Weiser, R. [Reuben]. Regina, the German Captive; Or, True Piety Among the Lowly. Baltimore: T. Newton Kurtz, 1856.
Clearfield County
Chambers, Julius. Lovers Four and Maidens Five: A Story of the Allegheny Mountains. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1886.
Singmaster, Elsie. A High Wind Rising. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942.
Moore, Margaret, John Travers Moore, and John Moment. Sing-Along Sary. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co, 1951.
Bordas, Carl W. Ashes of Conflict. New York: Comet Press Books, 1958.
Keehn, Sally M. I Am Regina. New York: Philomel Books, 1991.
Myers, Tamar. Just Plain Pickled To Death. A Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery With Recipes, 4/23. New York: Signet Books, 1997.
Poyer, David. Thunder on the Mountain. New York: A Forge Book, 1999.
Parrott, David L. The Curious Case of Punxsy Phil. DuBois, PA: Parrott Press, 2001.
Leininger [Craven], Tracy Michele. Alone Yet Not Alone: The Story of Barbara and Regina Leininger. San Antonio, TX: His Seasons, 2003.
O'Dell, Tawni. Coal Run. New York: Viking, 2004.
Guy, Carol A. Spirit Lake. Spirit Lake series, 1/5. Garibaldi Highlands, BC: Devine Destinies, 2008.
Guy, Carol A. Echoes of the Past. Spirit Lake series, 2/5. Garibaldi Highlands, BC: Devine Destinies, 2009.
Guy, Carol A. Slay Bells Ring. Spirit Lake series, 3/5. Garibaldi Highlands, British Columbia, Canada: Devine Destinies, 2010.
Guy, Carol A. House of Secrets. Spirit Lake series, 4/5. Garibaldi Highlands, British Columbia, Canada: Devine Destinies, 2010.
Blake, Daniel. Thou Shalt Kill. New York: Gallery Books, 2011.
Guy, Carol A. Vows of Silence. Spirit Lake series, 5/5. Garibaldi Highlands, British Columbia, Canada: Devine Destinies, 2013.