Goran, Lester. She Loved Me Once and Other Stories. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1997.
Constantine, K. C. Brushback. Mario Balzic series, 14/17. New York: The Mysterious Press of Warner Books, 1998.
Goran, Lester. Outlaws of the Purple Cow and Other Stories. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1999.
Forsythe, Kevin Clark, and Evan Wade Knauer. Stardust on the Allegheny. Pittsburgh River Trilogy, 1/3. Pittsburgh: Another True Story Publishing, 2003.
George, Kathleen. Fallen. New York: Dell, 2004.
Deasy, Bill. Ghost Tree. Finbar Trilogy, 3/3. Llandeilo, Wales: Velluminous Press, 2010.
Pane, Salvatore. Last Call in the City of Bridges. Braddock, PA: Braddock Avenue Books, 2012.