Campbell, Helen. Turnip Blues. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
Myers, Tamar. The Hand That Rocks the Ladle. A Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery With Recipes, 8/23. New York: Signet Books, 2000.
George, Kathleen. Fallen. New York: Dell, 2004.
Hesselbein, John. Allegheny Mountain. Sacramento: John Hesselbein, 2007.
Myers, Tamar. The Dark Side of Heaven. Rock Hill, SC: Bella Rosa Books, 2006.
Weakland, Brian Lee. Tonight in the Rivers of Pittsburgh. Rivers of Pittsburgh Mystery, 1/3. Tarentum, PA: Word Association Publishers, 2008.
Karas, Nicholas Stevensson. Hunky: The Immigrant Experience. Bloomington, IN: 1stBooks, 2009.