East Allegheny
Emrick, Robert. Hunky Hill. Salt Lake City: Northwest Publishing, 1993.
Shuster, [Elmer Greinert] Bud. Double Buckeyes: A Story of the Way America Used To Be. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Books, 1999.
Rodman, Mary Ann. Jimmy’s Stars. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008.
Korn, Ambrose E. , Jr. Deutschtown’s Pigeon Hill. Pittsburgh: Privately published, 2011.
Rella, Queen. Steel Twinz: Ladies in the Street. Queen Rella, 2011.
Palko, Janice Lane. A Shepherd’s Song: A Christmas Romance. Plenum Publishing, 2012.
Hensley, J. J. Resolve. Sag Harbor, NY: The Permanent Press, 2013.
Szczepanski, Marian. Playing St. Barbara. [St. Charles, MO]: High Hill Press, 2013.
Vines, Pamela Hart. Born of Sin. Troop Public Relations, LLC, 2015.
Rice, Doug. Here Lies Memory. Guerneville, CA: Black Scat Books, 2016.
Tremel, Joyce. A Room With a Brew. Trouble Brewing Mysteries, 3/3. New York: Berkley Prime Crime, 2017.