Fisher, Arista Edward. Requiem. New York: John Day Co, 1933.
Schenley Park
Moorhead, Elizabeth. The Forbidden Tree. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1933.
Cohen, Lester. Coming Home. New York: The Viking Press, 1945.
Schmitt, Gladys. Alexandra. New York: Dial Press, 1947.
Arnovitz, Erwin. Of Blood and Oil: With the Israeli Underground. New York: Exposition Press, 1951.
White, Victor Francis. Peter Domanig in America: Steel. Peter Domanig series, 2/4. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1954.
Schmitt, Gladys. The Persistent Image. New York: The Dial Press, 1955.
Cunningham, C. V. Sylvia. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1960.
Milton, David Scott. The Quarterback. New York: Dell, 1970.
Fenton, Edward. Duffy’s Rocks. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1974.
Schreiner, Samuel A. [Agnew] , Jr. Thine Is the Glory: A Novel of America’s Golden Triangle. New York: Arbor House, 1975.
Dodson, Susan. The Creep. New York: Four Winds Press, 1979.
Guy, David. Football Dreams. New York: Seaview Books, 1980.
Paul, Barbara. Your Eyelids Are Growing Heavy. New York: Doubleday, 1981.
Goran, Lester. Mrs. Beautiful. Far Hills, NJ: New Horizon Press, 1985.
Cambry, C. K. Where Is Crystal Martin?. London: Severn House, 1988.
Cohen, Sholom. The Lopsided Yarmulke. Yitz Berg from Pittsburgh series, 2/2. Jewish Reader Press, 1995.
Leavitt, Caroline. Living Other Lives. New York: Warner Books, 1995.
Goran, Lester. Tales from the Irish Club. Kent, OH: The Kent State University Press, 1996.
Barnes, John. Patton’s Spaceship. Timeline Wars, 1/3. New York: HarperPrism, 1997.
Dalkey, Kara. Steel Rose. New York: ROC, 1997.
Goran, Lester. She Loved Me Once and Other Stories. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1997.
Goran, Lester. Bing Crosby’s Last Song. New York: Picador USA, 1998.
Goran, Lester. Outlaws of the Purple Cow and Other Stories. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1999.
Lipinski, Thomas. Steel City Confessions. Carroll Dorsey mystery series, 3/4. New York: Avon Twilight Books, 1999.