Moss, Winston. He’s the Mayor. 1986.
City-County Building
Goran, Lester. She Loved Me Once and Other Stories. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1997.
Aiello, Robert. The Deceivers. Berkeley, CA: Creative Arts Book Co, 1999.
Claire, Edie. Never Buried. Leigh Koslow Mysteries series, 1/12. New York: Signet Books, 1999.
Tucker, James N. Hocus Corpus. New York: Onyx Books, 1999.
Lipinski, Thomas. Death in the Steel City. Carroll Dorsey mystery series, 4/4. New York: Avon Twilight Books, 2000.
Tucker, James N. Tragic Wand. New York: Onyx Books, 2000.
Kennedy, Paul F. A Pittsburgh Gamble. Bloomington, IN: 1st Books Library, 2001.
Sestili, Rich. For Your Penance. Baltimore: AmErica House, 2002.
Forsythe, Kevin Clark, and Evan Wade Knauer. Murder on the Mon. Pittsburgh River Trilogy, 2/3. Pittsburgh: Another True Story Publishing, 2003.
Blake, Daniel. Thou Shalt Kill. New York: Gallery Books, 2011.
King, Dana. Grind Joint. Eureka, CA: Stark House Press, 2013.
Tucker, James. Silent Samaritan. Seattle: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.
Hensley, J. J. Measure Twice. Bad Day Books, 2014.