A new book of emblems of the different diversions from infancy to manhood

TitleA new book of emblems of the different diversions from infancy to manhood
Publication TypeBook, Metamorphic
Year of Publication1770
Date Published1770
PublisherTringham, E.; Wass, H.; Merry, I.
Place PublishedLondon, England
Item LocationPrinceton University Cotsen Library
Call NumberCTSN English 18 1340
GenreMetamorphic pictures
Referenced inRoscoe J 254A (later Newbery reissue)
NotesPlate has been rubbed to alter imprint: "m" of Wm. Tringham visible beneath E. Tringham; Published July 23d
Physical Dimensions4 panels; 19 cm
BindingPub. navy blue wraps; white linen and blue mbld paper case and chemise