Michlic, Joanna B., and David Bankier. 2005. “The Holocaust and Its Aftermath As Perceived in Poland: Voices of Polish Intellectuals, 1945-1947”. In The Jews Are Coming Back: The Return of the Jews to Their Countries of Origin After WWII. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem.
David Bankier
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David Bankier
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Porat, Dina, David Bankier, and Dan Michman. 2008. “First Testimonies of the Holocaust: The Problematic Nature of Conveying and Absorbing Them, and the Reaction in the Yishuv”. In Holocaust Historiography in Context: Emergence, Challenges, Polemics and Achievements. Jerusalem and New York: Yad Vashem and Berghahn Books.
Ro’i, Yaacov, and David Bankier. 2005. “The Reconstruction of Jewish Communities in the USSR, 1944-1947”. In The Jews Are Coming Back: The Return of Jews to Their Countries of Origin After WWII. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem.
Schein, Ada, David Bankier, and Dan Michman. 2008. “Everyone Can Hold a Pen’: The Documentation Project in the DP Camps in Germany”. In Holocaust Historiography in Context: Emergence, Challenges, Polemics and Achievements. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem.