Ro’i, Yaacov, and David Bankier. 2005. “The Reconstruction of Jewish Communities in the USSR, 1944-1947”. In The Jews Are Coming Back: The Return of Jews to Their Countries of Origin After WWII. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem.
Yaacov Ro'i
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Ro’i, Yaacov, Ingeborg Baldauf, Moshe Grammer, and Thomas Loy. 2008. “The Religious Life of the Bukharan Jewish Community in Soviet Central Asia After World War II”. In Bukharan Jews in the 20th Century: History, Experience and Narration. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag.
Ro’i, Yaacov, Yaakov Ro’i, and Avi Beker. 1991. “The Role of the Synagogue and Religion in the Jewish National Reawakening”. In Jewish Culture and Identity in the Soviet Union. New York: New York University Press.
Ro’i, Yaacov. 2009. “The Transformation of Historiography of the ‘Punished Peoples’”. History & Memory 21 (2).