Edele, Mark, and Wanda Warlik. 2017. “Saved by Stalin? Trajectories of Polish Jews in the Soviet Second World War”. In Shelter from the Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union, edited by Mark Edele, Sheila Fitzpatrick, and Atina Grossmann. Detroit: Wayne State Univeristy Press.
Atina Grossmann
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Atina Grossmann
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Fitzpatrick, Sheila. 2017. “Annexation, Evacuation, and Antisemitism in the Soviet Union, 1939-1946”. In Shelter from the Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union, edited by Mark Edele, Sheila Fitzpatrick, and Atina Grossmann. Detroit: Wayne State Univeristy Press.
Goldlust, John. 2017. “Identity Profusions: Bio-Historical Journeys from ‘Polish Jew’ ‘Jewish Pole’ through ‘Soviet Citizen’ to ‘Holocaust Survivor’”. In Shelter from the Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union, edited by Mark Edele, Sheila Fitzpatrick, and Atina Grossmann. Detroit: Wayne State Univeristy Press.
Grossmann, Atina, and Tamar Lewinsky. 2018. “‘Displaced Persons” and “An Autonomous Society’”. In A History of Jews in Germany Since 1945: Politics, Culture, and Society, edited by Michael Brenner, translated by Kenneth Kronenberg. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Grossmann, Atina. 2017. “Jewish Refugees in Soviet Central Asia, Iran, and India: Lost Memories of Displacement, Trauma, and Rescue”. In Shelter from the Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union, edited by Mark Edele, Sheila Fitzpatrick, and Atina Grossmann. Detroit: Wayne State Univeristy Press.
Grossmann, Atina. 2017. “Jewish Refugees in Soviet Central Asia, Iran, and India: Lost Memories of Displacement, Trauma, and Rescue”. In Shelter from the Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union, edited by Mark Edele, Sheila Fitzpatrick, and Atina Grossmann. Detroit: Wayne State Univeristy Press.
Mitsel, Mikhail. 2019. “American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Programs in the USSR, 1941-1948: A Complicated Partnership”. In The JDC at 100: A Century of Humanitarianism, edited by Avinoam Patt, Atina Grossmann, Linda G. Levi, and Maud S. Mandel. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Grossmann, Atina. 2012. “Remapping Relief and Rescue: Flight, Displacement, and International Aid for Jewish Refugees During World War II”. New German Critique 39 (3 (117).
Grossmann, Atina. 2007. Jews, German, Allies: Close Encounters in Occupied Germany. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Belsky, Natalie. 2017. “Fraught Friendships: Soviet Jews and Polish Jews on the Soviet Home Front”. In Shelter from the Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union, edited by Mark Edele, Sheila Fitzpatrick, and Atina Grossmann. Detroit: Wayne State Univeristy Press.