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Grynberg, Henryk. 2001. The Jewish War And The Victory. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
Grynberg, Henryk. 1997. Children Of Zion. Translated by Jacqueline Mitchell. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
Grossmann, Atina. 2007. Jews, German, Allies: Close Encounters In Occupied Germany. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Grossmann, Atina. 2017. Jewish Refugees In Soviet Central Asia, Iran, And India: Lost Memories Of Displacement, Trauma, And Rescue. In Shelter From The Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival In The Soviet Union, edited by Mark Edele, Fitzpatrick, Sheila, and Grossmann, Atina. Shelter From The Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival In The Soviet Union. Detroit: Wayne State Univeristy Press.
Grossmann, Atina, and Tamar Lewinsky. 2018. "Displaced Persons” And “An Autonomous Society". In A History Of Jews In Germany Since 1945: Politics, Culture, And Society, edited by Michael Brenner, translated by Kenneth Kronenberg. A History Of Jews In Germany Since 1945: Politics, Culture, And Society. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Grossman, Vasily. 1986. Life And Fate: A Novel. Translated by Robert Chandler. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers.
Gross, Jan T. 1991. Polish Pow Camps In The Soviet-Occupied Western Ukraine. In The Soviet Takeover Of The Polish Eastern Provinces, 1939-41, edited by Keith Sword. The Soviet Takeover Of The Polish Eastern Provinces, 1939-41. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Gross, Natan. 2001. Who Are You, Mr. Grymek?. London: Vallentine Mitchell.
Gross, Jan T. 2001. Neighbors: The Destruction Of The Jews Of Jedwabne Poland. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Gross, Magdalena H. 2013. Reclaiming The Nation: Polish Schooling In Exile During The Second World War. History Of Education Quarterly, History of Education Quarterly, 53 (3).
Gross, Natan, and Shaul Goskind, eds.. 1948. Unzere Kinder. Poland: National Center for Jewish Film.
Gross, Jan T. 2000. A Tangled Web: Confronting Stereotypes Concerning Relations Between Poles, Germans, Jews, And Communists. In The Politics Of Retribution In Europe: World War Ii And Its Aftermath, edited by Isvan Deak, Gross, Jan T., and Judt, Tony. The Politics Of Retribution In Europe: World War Ii And Its Aftermath. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
