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Kersten, Krystyna. 1997. The Pogrom Of Jews In Kiele On July 4, 1946. Acta Poloniae Historica, Acta Poloniae Historica, 76.
Kenney, Padriac. 1997. Rebuilding Poland: Workers And Communists, 1945-1950. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
Pommerantz, Jack, and Lyric Wallwork Winik. 1997. Run East: Flight From The Holocaust. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.


Weissmann, Gerda. 1996. All But My Life. New York: Hill and Wang.
Elton, Zyga. 1996. Destination Buchara. Ripponlea, Australia: Dizal Nominees.
Honig, Samuel. 1996. From Poland To Russia And Back, 1939-1946. Windsor, Ontario: Black Moss Press.
Hartglas, Apolinary. 1996. Na Pograniczu Dwóch Światów. Edited by Jolanta Żyndul. Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza.
Shadkhanovich, David. 1996. Zikhronot Mi-Ha-Mas’a Ha-Gadol. Tel Aviv: D. Shadkhanovich.


Smilovitsky, Leonid. 1995. Jewish Religious Life In Bobruisk, 1944-1954. Jews In Eastern Europe, Jews in Eastern Europe, 2 (27).
Kotkin, Stephen, and David Wolff, eds.. 1995. Rediscovering Russia In Asia: Siberia And The Russian Far East. Armond, New York, and London: M. E. Sharp.
Goldberger, Janka. 1995. Stalin's Little Guest. London: Janus Publishing Company.
Sulkiewicz, Krystyna, and Irena Bartkowiak-Drobek, eds.. 1995. Tułaecze Dzieci Exiled Children. Warsaw: Fundacja Archiwum Fotograficzne Tułacze.
Kless, Shlomo. 1995. A Zionist Pioneer Underground In The Soviet Union (June 22, 1941-May 9, 1945. In Zionist Youth Movements During The Shoah, edited by Asher Cohen and Cochavi, Yohoyakim, translated by Ted Gorelick. Zionist Youth Movements During The Shoah. New York: Peter Lang.
