

Anna Cichopek-Gajraj, H-Judaic, September 2023. 
Albert Kaganovitch, Austrian History Yearbook LIV (2023): 1-2.
Lidia Zessin-Jurek, Zagłada Żydów, 18 (2022): 673-677. 
Joanna Sliwa, H-Poland, March 2023.
Scott Ury, Slavic Review 81:3 (2023): 808-810.
Natalie Belsky, The Russian Review 82:1-2 (2023)
Thomas Chopard, "Survivre à la Shoah en Union soviétique: nouvelles perspectives historiographiques," Cahiers du monde russe 63:3-4 (2022): 820-825.
Atina Grossmann, Association for Jewish Studies Review 46:2 (2022): 436-438.
Katharina Friedla, H-Soz-Kult, 01.02.22
Klaus-Peter Friedrich, Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 71:2 (2022): 305-306.
Urszula Markowska-Manista, Zeitschrift für Religions und Geistesgeschichte 74:3 (2022): 288-289 
William W. Hagen, Holocaust and Genocide Studies 35:3 (Winter 2021): 466-468
Markus Nesselrodt, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 69:4 (2021): 682-684
Ruth Franklin, "The Lucky Ones," The New York Review of Books, 18 October 2021
Glen C. Altschuler, "Deciding life or death: Polish Jews and the wartime Soviet Union dilemma," The Jerusalem Post, 11 March 2021
Sanford R. Silverburg, Association of Jewish Libraries News and Reviews, II:4 (May/June 2021)
Sheldon Kirshner, "Survival on the Margins," The Times of Israel, 13 June 2021
Colin Shindler, The Jewish Chronicle, 8 January 2021

Academic Articles on Related Topics

Adler, Eliyana R. “Children in Exile: Wartime Journeys of Polish Jewish Youth.” Katarina Friedla and Markus Nesselrodt, eds. Polish Jews in the Soviet Union (1939-1959). History and Memory of Deportation, Exile and Survival. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2021.

Adler, Eliyana R. “Crossing Over: Exploring the Borders of Holocaust Testimony.” Yad Vashem Studies 43:2 (2015). (See bibliographic entry)

This article was also published in:

Edele, Mark, Sheila Fitzpatrick and Atina Grossmann, eds. Shelter from the Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2017

Adler, Eliyana R. "Entangled Memories: Wartime Experiences in the Soviet Interior in Postwar Holocaust Testimonies." History & Memory 34:2 (2022): 139-171. 

Adler, Eliyana R. “Exile and Survival: Lithuanian Jewish Deportees in the Soviet Union” ha-Kayits ha-norah ha-hu: 70 shana le-hashmadat ha-kehilot ha-yehudiot be-‘are ha-sadeh be-Lita [That Terrible Summer: 70 Years Since the Destruction of the Jewish Communities of Lithuania], eds. Michal Ben Ya’akov, Gershon Greenberg, Sigalit Rosmarin. Jerusalem: Efrata College, 2013. (See bibliographic entry)

Adler, Eliyana R. “Hrubieszów at the Crossroads: Polish Jews Navigate the German and Soviet Occupations,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 28:1 (Spring 2014). (See bibliographic entry)

See also the Polish version of the above article:

Na skrzyżowaniu dróg: Hrubieszów i polscy Żydzi między okupacją niemiecką i sowiecką.” Katharina Friedla and Lidia Zessin-Jurek, eds., Syberiada Żydów polskich: Losy uchodźców z zagłady (Warsaw: Żydowski Instytut Historyczny, 2020.)

Adler, Eliyana R. “I Became a Nomad in the Land of Nomadic Tribes: Polish Jewish Refugees in Central Asia and Perceptions of the Other.” Christoph Dieckmann and Arkadi Zeltser, eds. Distrust, Animosity, and Solidarity: Jews and Non-Jews in the USSR during the Second World War. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem Press, 2021. (See bibliographic entry)

Adler, Eliyana R. “The Miracle of Hanukkah and Other Orthodox Tales of Survival in Soviet Exile During World War II.” Dapim: Studies in the Holocaust 32:3 (2018). (See bibliographic entry)

Adler, Eliyana R. and Natalia Aleksiun, “Seeking Relative Safety: The Flight of Polish Jews to the East in the Autumn of 1939.” Yad Vashem Studies 46:1 (2018). (See bibliographic entry)

Adler, Eliyana R.“Singing Their Way Home,” Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry 32 (2020). (See bibliographic entry)

Adler, Eliyana R. “Ties that Bind: Transnational Support and Solidarity for Polish Jews in the USSR during World War II.” Jan Lambertz, and Jan Lanicek, eds. More than Parcels: Wartime Relief for Jews in Nazi Camps and Ghettos. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2022.

Adler, Eliyana R. “Maintaining Family Networks via Post during the Holocaust.” Eliyana R. Adler and Natalia Aleksiun, eds. Entanglements of War: Social Networks in Eastern Europe During the Holocaust. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem Press, 2022. 

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