Tuesday 23 July 2024, 15:45 (Israel), On the Other Side: Stories of Loss and Survival of Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union, Rubin Forum Meetings, Tel Aviv University
Tuesday 19 March 2024, 4:30pm, Survival on the Margins, The Melton Center for Jewish Studies, Ohio State University: https://meltoncenter.osu.edu/events/survival-margins-polish-jewish-refu…
Wednesday 27 September 2023, 7pm (Poland), Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union, Zoom in on the Forum, Forum for Dialogue, Warsaw, Poland
Tuesday 8 November 2022, 7pm, Survival on the Margins, The Center for Jewish Studies Annual Kristallnacht Commemoration Lecture, Queens College, CUNY
Friday 10 June 2022, 11:45 am (Poland), Jewish Refuge and Refugees from Different Eras: A Conversation with Rachel Feldhay Brenner Award Recipients, PIASA's 8thh World Congress, University of Białystok
Thursday 28 April 2022, 12:00pm, Fleeing a Home, Seeking a Home: Jewish Refugees in Modern Times, panel, Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes against Humanity, CUNY: https://chgcah.org/events/
Monday 11 April 2022, 11:15am, Survival on the Margins Book Talk, Jewish Studies Program, University of Delaware
Sunday 3 April 2022, 9:00pm (Israel), Survival on the Margins Book Discussion with Natalia Aleksiun, Ghetto Fighters House, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFVB6Nf5krk&t=19s
Sunday 27 March 2022, 10:00am (Israel) Survival on the Margins Book Talk, The Institute for the History of Polish Jewry and Israel-Poland Relations, Tel Aviv University
Sunday 20 March 2022, 8:00pm (Poland), Survival on the Margins, Freighted Legacies: The Culture and History of Jewish Interactions in Poland, Jewish Renewal in Poland, in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VYVZ9RCvFo; and in Polish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hys7Paipfb4&t=153s
Tuesday 1 March 2022, 6:00pm (UK), Panel Discussion with Markus Nesselrodt, Institute of Jewish Studies, University College London and Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, http://polishjewishstudies.co.uk/1-march-2022-survival-on-the-margins-p…
Sunday 20 February 2022, 8:00pm (Poland), POLIN Book Talks: How They Survived, with Atina Grossmann, Katharina Friedla and Antony Polonsky, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xli3SSIHTEM
Thursday 16 December 2021, 5:30pm (Israel) Award Ceremony for Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust Research, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUXggLBEq5g
Tuesday 30 November 2021, 6:00pm (CET) Survival on the Margins, Kolloquium: Neue Forschungun zur Osteuropäischen Geschichte, Universität Heidelberg, https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/fakultaeten/philosophie/zegk/sog/
Tuesday 16 November 2021, 12:30p Survival on the Margins Book Talk, Joseph and Rebecca Meyeroff Center for Jewish Studies, University of Maryland, https://jewishstudies.umd.edu/events/book-talk-survival-margins-eliyana…
Podcast, https://newbooksnetwork.com/survival-on-the-margins-1, New Books Network, released 10/14/21
Podcast, https://listen.jewishhistory.fm/adler, Jewish History Matters, released 10/10/21
Wednesday 7 April 2021, 7:00pm-8:15pm (UK) Survival on the Margins: Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union, Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Centre.
Sunday 14 March 2021, AJL Presents: Author Showcase for Adult Books, Spring 2021, 5-minute summary of Survival on the Margins.
Wednesday 3 March 2021, 4:00pm, Survival on the Margins Book Interview, with Deborah Dwork, Center for Jewish History, on Zoom.
Monday 9 November 2020, 12:00pm, Survival on the Margins Book Launch, with Havi Dreyfus, Kamil Kijek, and Anna Shternshis, sponsored by Department of History and Jewish Studies Program, Penn State, on Zoom. The recording includes ASL interpretation.