“The Scent of Green” In Fighting for the Future: Cyberpunk and-Solarpunk Tales, Edited by Wagner, Phoebe. Eugene, OR: Android Press, 2023.
“Sigh No More” In Communications Breakdown: SF Stories About the Future of Connection, Edited by Strahan, Jonathan(b. 1964). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2023.
The Sisterhood. London: Simon & Schuster, 2023.
“Solarpunks” In Fighting for the Future: Cyberpunk and-Solarpunk Tales, Edited by Wagner, Phoebe. Eugene, OR: Android Press, 2023.
“The Strength of the Willow” In Fighting for the Future: Cyberpunk and-Solarpunk Tales, Edited by Wagner, Phoebe. Eugene, OR: Android Press, 2023.
“Such is My Idea of Happiness” In Clarkesworld. Vol. no. 205., 2023.
“The Sand Ship Builders of Chitungwiza” In Save The World: Twenty Sci-Fi Writers Save The Planet, Edited by Coatsworth, J. Scott. Np: Other Worlds Ink, 2022.
“SCS 750” In I Walk Between the Raindrops. Stories . New York: Ecco/HarperCollins, 2022.
"A Sea of Plastic" In Little Blue Marble ., 2022.
"The Secret Source" In The New Yorker. Vol. 98.29., 2022.
“The Shallow State” In Phase Change: Imagining Energy Futures, Edited by Chrulew, Matthew. [Yokine, WA, Australia]: Twelfth Planet Press, 2022.
"Shit City" In Save The World: Twenty Sci-Fi Writers Save The Planet, Edited by Coatsworth, J. Scott. Sacramento, CA: Other Worlds Ink, 2022.
“Sidereal” In Solarpunk Magazine. Vol. no. 6., 2022.
Song of Kitaba. Np: All Things That Matter Press, 2022.
Song of Less. South Carlton, Vic, Australia: Cordite Books, 2022.
“Spectacular View” In If There’s Anyone Left. A Speculative Fiction Magazine. Volume 3., Edited by Burnham, Jason P., Fields, C. M. and Jiang, Ai(b. 1997). Vol. 3. Np: Np, 2022.
“Subscription Life” In Dreams for a Better Worlds: Book Two in the Dreams Anthology Series, Edited by Meeropol, Ellen, Bissett, Carina and Jeffries, Celia. Lake Orion, MI: [Reckoning Press]/Essential Dreams Press, 2022.
"Sucker Hole" In Phase Change: Imagining Energy Futures, Edited by Chrulew, Matthew. [Yokine, WA, Australia]: Twelfth Planet Press, 2022.
“Sunny Days” In Phase Change: Imagining Energy Futures, Edited by Chrulew, Matthew. [Yokine, WA, Australia]: Twelfth Planet Press, 2022.
Survive the Dome. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks Fire, 2022.
Sweep of Stars. New York: Tor/Tom Doherty Associates, 2022.
“The Sabhu My Destination” In Seasons Between Us: Tales of Identities and Memories, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2021.
“Sailing That Beautiful Sea” In Speculative Los Angeles, Edited by Hamilton, Denise. Brooklyn, NY: Akashic Books, 2021.