The Ostrich for the Defense. Boston, MA: Geo. H. Ellis Co, 1912.
One Hundred Years Hence. Being Some Extracts from "The Hourly Mail" of A D 2000. London: Eveleigh Nash, 1911.
Our Sister Republic: A Single Tax Story. New York: Cochrane Pub. Co., 1911.
An Original Comic Opera, in Three Acts, entitled, The Superior Sex. London: A. Abbott, 1910.
Outland. London: John Murray, 1910.
The Old Mountain Hermit. New York: Broadway Publishing Co, 1904.
"Our Animated Flat” In Strand Magazine. Vol. 26.151 ., 1903.
Our Story of Atlantis. Written down for the Hermetic Brotherhood. San Francisco, CA: Hermetic Book Concern, 1903.
"Of One Blood. Or, the Hidden Self" In Colored American Magazine . Vol. 6.1 - 11., 1902.
The Occults in Council or The Great Learning. Denver, CO: HE Smith-Brooks Printing Co. , 1901.
"One Afternoon: A Department Store Romance" In The Yellow Book . Vol. 2.1 ., 1898.
An Outland Journey. Boston, MA: Copeland and Day, 1896.
"The Opening of the Chamber" In The King in Yellow. New York: F. Tennyson Neely, 1895.
Our Industrial Utopia and Its Unhappy Citizens. Chicago, IL: A.C. McClurg and Company, 1895.
Off the Face of the Earth: A Story of Possibilities. [Omaha, NB]: [Festner Printing Co.], 1894.
"One Thousand Dollars a Day" In One Thousand Dollars a Day. Studies in Practical Economics. Boston, MA: Arena, 1894.
"The Outlaws of the Air" In Short Stories (London). Vol. 11.297 - 325 ., 1894.
The Open Secret. Boston, MA: Arena Publishing Co, 1893.
An Original Comic Opera in Two Acts Entitled Utopia (Limited); or, The Flowers of Progress. London: Chappell & Co, 1893.
Olombia or The New Political Economy. Grand Transformation of the United States, England and the World! The only Practical Solution of the Land, Money, Barter, Labor, Capital, and all other Questions of the Day. By Dr. William H. von Swartwout, Founder & President, of New Columbia United States of the World, or The Olombia Commonwealth. New Order of Builders and University; New York, London, Paris, Rome, Egypt, Palestine, Etc. (Inaugurated, September 29th, 1879). Vol. Rev. ed. Vol. 1 [No indication of an earlier ed. or other vols.]. New York and London: New Columbia University Press, 1892.
The Old Order and the New: From Individualism to Collectivism. London: William Reeves, 1890.
One of "Berrian's" Novels. New York: Welch, Fracker Company, 1890.
Oneiros or Some Questions of the Day. London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Company, 1889.
Oo: Adventures in Orbello Land. New York: Belford, Clarke, 1889.