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King, William Harvey(b. 1861). Medical Union Number Six. [New York]: The Monograph Press, 1904.
Kim, Christine Sun. “My Own Sound” In The Feminist Utopia Project: Fifty-Seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future, Edited by Brodsky, Alexandra and Nalebuff, Rachel Kauder. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2015.
Kilworth, Garry [Douglas](b. 1941). "The Men's Room" In Interzone. Vol. no. 29 ., 1989.
Killens, John Oliver(1916-87). The Minister Primarily. New York: Amistad 35/HarperCollins, 2021.
Kessel, John [Joseph Vincent](b. 1950). The Moon and the Other. New York: Saga Press/Simon & Schuster, 2017.
Kelly, James Patrick(b. 1951). "Men Are Trouble" In Asimov's Science Fiction. Vol. 28.6 (341)., 2004.
Kellogg, Ebenezer(1789-1846). The Millennial Kingdom of Peace: or a New System of Ecclesiastical Government, by the Holy Ghost and Saints (As Acts. XV. 26.) Where, Note, The Holy Ghost makes all Laws Invisibly! as when, "the Spirit made it seem good to decree," & c. as Acts XVI. 4. XV. 28. Or, as taught herein, That Invisibly, all Laws may be made by God's Spirit, if made invisibly by Saints! but cannot be done by Nations! For, God, our Saviour, promises, when he comes again, "to be glorified in his Saints," not Nations! see Dan. vii. 22. 2 Thes. X. 12. This Work Maintains also, That Such a Work Began in A.D. 1816! And Is to End in A.D. 1866; and Began With the Greeks Invisibly. Np: Published by the Author, 1824.
Kelleher, Victor [Michael Kitchener](b. 1939). The Makers. Ringwood, Vic, Australia: Viking Kestrel assisted by the Literature Board of the Australia Council, 1987.
Kandel, Michael(b. 1941). "Multum in Parvo" In Amazing Stories . Vol. 72.2 (602) ., 2000.
Kadrey, Richard(b. 1957). Metrophage (A Romance of the Future). New York: Ace Books, 1988.


Julavits, Heidi [Suzanne](b. 1968). "Material Proof of the Failure of Everything" In McSweeney's Thirty Two. 2024 A.D. , 2009.
Jovanović, Vuko. “MOS 6581” In Embracing Utopian Horizons, Edited by Ðergović-Joksimović, Zorica. Novi Sad, Serbia: Filozofski fakultet u Novum Sadu, 2014.
Jones, [Fred W.], and Bridge, H. B.. The Monarch of Utopia. Wellington, New Zealand: Book & Co, 1893.
Jones, Gwyneth [Ann](b. 1952). Midnight Lamp. London: Gollancz, 2003.
Johnson, Alaya Dawn(b. 1982). "The Mirages" In Reconstruction. Stories. Easthampton, MA: Small Beer Press, 2020.
Johnson, Jocelyn Nicole. "My Monticello" In My Monticello. Fiction . New York: Henry Holt & Co., 2021.
Joad, C[yril] E[dwin] M[itchinson](1891-1953), Young, Allan, Arnold-Forster, W[illiam, Meynell, Francis, Stapledon, W[illiam] Olaf(1886-1950), Chance, Janet, Pritt, D[ennis] N[owell], Williams-Ellis, Clough, Boumphrey, G[eoffrey] M[axwell], Robertson, Archibald et al. Manifesto: Being the Book of The Federation of Progressive Societies and Individuals, Edited by Joad, C[yril] E[dwin] M[itchinson](1891-1953). London: George Allen & Unwin, 1934.
Jeter, K[evin] W[ayne](b. 1950). Morlock Night. New York: DAW Books, 1979.
Jeter, K[evin] W[ayne](b. 1950). Madlands. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Jameson, [Margaret Ethel] Storm(1891-1986). The Moment of Truth. London: Macmillan, 1949.
[Hutchinson], [Joyce Carstairs](b. 1935). "Mantrap" In New Worlds Science Fiction . Vol. no. 107 ., 1961.
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Jakober, Marie(1941-2017). The Mind Gods; A Novel of the Future. Toronto, ON, Canada: Macmillan of Canada, 1976.
Jaggers, Kelly B.. "Misjudged Situations" In Renunciates Of Darkover. New York: DAW Books, 1991.
