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"Apocalypse 1989" In Pictures of the Future. Wellington, New Zealand: Mallinson Rendel, 1980.
Altrurian Farms. Washington, DC: Employment Extension Society, 1931.
Tom Cannell's Holiday: A Queensland Tale of Love, Logic, and the Land Tax. Ipswich, QLD, Australia: Railroad Times Office, 1899.
After the Bomb: Flight to Utopia. Auckland, New Zealand: Interface Press, 1984.
The Ultimate Philosophy: A Man To Utopia. Baltimore, MD: Utopian Pathway Fund, 1996.
Harrow. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2021.
Paramind. Toronto, ON, Canada: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1973.
Marseguro. New York: DAW Books, 2008.
The Patriot League Civilian Border Patrol. [Raleigh, NC]: LuLu Publishing, 2010.
The Cityborn. New York: DAW Books, 2017.
The 2012 Revolution. [Raleigh NC]: Lulu Publishing, 2009.
The Patriot League Origins. [Raleigh, NC]: LuLu Publishing, 2010.
The Occults in Council or The Great Learning. Denver, CO: HE Smith-Brooks Printing Co. , 1901.
The Black Ship. [Pinticion, BC, Canada]: Theytus Books, 1994.
Cash Crash Jubilee. Book One of the Jubilee Cycle. New York: Talos Press/Skyhorse, 2015.
Map of Power. Milsons Point, NSW, Australia: Arrow, 1996.
Hallie Marshall: A True Daughter of the South. New York: Abbey Press, 1900.
Rogue Progeny. TO WILL Dreams do come true. [Bloomington, IN]: Xlibris, 2009.
“The Mission of Machinery” In The Arena . Vol. 19.99., 1898.
"Farming in the Future. (By A Contemplative Cockatoo)" In Double Harness: Poems in Partnership. Christchurch, New Zealand: Pub. by the "Lyttelton Times" Publishing Co., 1891.
Sons of Darkness, Sons of Light: A Novel of Some Probability. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1969.
“The Womelia of Estesusa” In Sinister Wisdom. Vol. no. 72., 2008.
"Utopia"; The Story of a Strange Experience. Vol. The Cambridge Christmas Annual 1895. Cambridge, Eng.: Metcalfe and Company, 1895.
Vigilante--21st Century. New York: Lancer, 1967.
Metropolitan. New York: HarperPrism, 1995.