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Sullivan, Tricia(b. 1968). Maul. London: Orbit, 2003.
Smiley, Rev. James Lawrenson. Maud Muller's Ministry or The Claims of Christian Socialism. Annapolis, MD: Np, 1907.
Beckett, Chris(b. 1955). "A Matter of Survival" In Interzone. Vol. no. 40., 1990.
Le Guin, Ursula K[roeber](1929-2018). "The Matter of Seggri" In Crank! Science Fiction--Fantasy. Vol. no. 3 ., 1994.
Banks, Iain M[enzies](1954-2013). Matter. London: Orbit, 2008.
Wachowski, Larry [Laurence](b. 1965), and Wachowski, Andy [Andrew](b. 1967). "The Matrix. Shooting Script August 12, 1998" In The Art of The Matrix, Edited by Lamm, Spencer. London: Titan Books, 1998.
Mason, Douglas Rankine(1918-2013). Matrix. New York: Ballantine Books, 1970.
Hemming, N[orma] K[athleen](1928-60). “The Matriarchy of Renok” In Dwellers in Silence: Stories and Plays by Norma Hemming, Edited by Burrows, Toby. Nedlands, WA, Australia: Hilliard Press, 1958.
Rush, Norman. Mating. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991.
Brady, Adhemer. The Mathematics of Labor. Chicago, IL: Charles H. Kerr, 1899.
Doctorow, Cory [Efram](b. 1971). "Materiality" In Gross Ideas: Tales of Tomorrow’s Architecture, Edited by Attlee, Edwina, Harper, Phineas and Smith, Maria. London: The Architecture Foundation and Oslo Architectural Triennale, 2019.
Julavits, Heidi [Suzanne](b. 1968). "Material Proof of the Failure of Everything" In McSweeney's Thirty Two. 2024 A.D. , 2009.
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Condie, Ally[son Braithwaite]. Matched. New York: Dutton Books, 2010.
Attwood, Randy. A Match Made in Heaven., 2012.
Abani, Christopher(b. 1966). Masters of the Board. A Novel. Enugu, Nigeria: Delta of Nigeria, 1985.
Knight, Damon [Francis](1922-2002). Masters of Evolution. New York: Ace Books, 1959.
Suddaby, [William] Donald(1900-64). Masterless Swords: Variations on a Theme. London: T. Werner Laurie, 1947.
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Wood, N[ancy] Lee(b. 1955). Master of None. New York: Warner Aspect, 2004.
Silverberg, Robert(b. 1935). Master of Life and Death. New York: Ace Books, 1957.
Midori, [pseud.]. Master Han's Daughter. Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 2006.
Dalcher, Christina [Villafãna]. Master Class. New York: Berkley/Penguin Random House, 2020.
Newte, Horace W[ykeham](1870-1949). The Master Beast; Being a True Account of the Ruthless Tyranny Inflicted on the British People by Socialism A.D. 1888-2020. London: Rebman Ltd, 1907.
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