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Williams, John A[lfred](1925-2015). Captain Blackman. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973.
Carr, Terry [Gene](1937-87). "Changing of the Gods" In Infinity Five, Edited by Hoskins, Robert. New York: Lancer Books, 1973.
Hoover, H[elen] M[ary](1935-2018). Children of Morrow. New York: Four Winds Press, 1973.
Arnason, Eleanor [Atwood](b. 1942). "A Clear Day in Motor City" In New Worlds 6. The Science Fiction Quarterly, Edited by Moorcock, Michael [John](b. 1939). London: Sphere, 1973.
Cooper, Edmund(1926-82). The Cloud Walker. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1973.
Reynolds, Mack [Dallas McCord](1917-83). "The Cold War ... Continued" In Nova, Edited by Harrison, Harry [Max](1925-2012). Vol. 3. New York: Walker, 1973.
Farca, Marie C.(b. 1935). Complex Man. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973.
Malzberg, Barry N[athaniel](b. 1939). "Conservations at Lothar's" In Children of Infinity; Original Science Fiction Stories for Young Readers, Edited by Elwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007). New York: Franklin Watts, 1973.
[Shears], [Carl Lee](1937-79). Count-Down to Black Genocide. Washington, DC: Nuclassics and Science Publishing, 1973.
Ballard, J[ames] G[raham](1930-2009). Crash. London: Jonathan Cape, 1973.
Wein, Len [Leonard Norman](1948-2017). "Crisis on Earth-X" “Thirteen Against the Earth” In Justice League of America,, Edited by Dillin, Dick(artist), Giordano, Dick(artist) and Schwartz, Julius. Vol. no. 107 - 108., 1973.
Malzberg, Barry N[athaniel](b. 1939). "Culture Lock" In Future City, Edited by Elwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007). New York: Trident, 1973.


Hargreaves, H[enry] A.(b. 1928). "Cainⁿ" In New Writings in S-F , Edited by Carnell, [Edward] John(1912-72). Vol. 20. London: Dobson, 1972.
Offutt V, Andrew J[efferson](1934-2013). The Castle Keeps. New York: Berkley Books, 1972.
Moore, Brian(1921-99). "Catholics" In New American Review . Vol. 15., 1972.
Silverberg, Robert(b. 1935). "Caught in the Organ Draft" In and walk now gently through the fire and other science fiction stories, Edited by Elwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007). Philadelphia, PA: Chilton Books Co., 1972.
Tubb, E[dwin] C[harles](1919-2010). Century of the Manikin. New York: DAW Books, 1972.
[Rocklin], [Ross Louis](1913-88). "Ching Witch!" In Again, Dangerous Visions: 46 Original Stories, Edited by Ellison, Harlan [Jay](1934-2018). Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.
Clifton, N[orman] Roy(1909-85). City Beyond the Gates. Toronto, ON, Canada: Saunders of Toronto, 1972.
