Coralia; A Plaint of Futurity. London: Samuel Tinsley, 1876.
The Commune in 1880. Downfall of a Republic. . New York: The American News Co. , 1877.
The City of Progress and Signs of the Times. London: Alfred Holness, 1879.
"A Century Hence" In A Century Hence and Other Poems. Kansas City, MO: Ramsey, Millett & Hudson, 1880.
Contrasts in Spirit Life; and Recent Experiences of Samuel Bowles, Late Editor of the Springfield (Mass.) Republican in the First Five Spheres. Also a Thrilling Account of the Late President Garfield's Reception in The Spirit World. Written Through the Hand of Carrie E.S. Twing. Springfield, MA: Star Publishing Co, 1881.
Conscientia: or, Latter-Day Pilgrims. Paisley, Scot.: Alexander Gardner, 1882.
"The Child of the Phalanstery" In Belgravia. Vol. 54., 1884.
The Conquest: A Story of the Present, and Future, Real and Ideal. This Story Delineates in Part the Greatest Conception of the Age, and is the Most Important Work of Fiction Since "Uncle Tom's Cabin". Monticello, IA: O.H. Truman, 1884.
The Coöperative Commonwealth in its Outlines. An Exposition of Modern Socialism. Boston, MA/New York: Lee and Shepard/Charles T. Dillingham, 1884.
Co-operation of Land, Labour, and Capital. Auckland, New Zealand: Upton & Co, 1885.
The Centre of the British Empire. Ottawa, ON, Canada: Author, 1886.
The Capture of London. London: General Publishing Co, 1887.
A Crystal Age. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1887.
California 350 Years Ago. Manuelo's Narrative. Translated from the Portuguese. San Francisco, CA/New York: Samuel Carson & Co./C.T. Dillingham, 1888.
"The City Beautiful" In The Story of Happinolande and Other Legends. New York: D. Appleton, 1889.
The Coming Event. Huddersfield, Eng.: J. Broadbent & Co, 1889.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. New York: Charles L. Webster, 1889.
Caesar's Column: A Story of the Twentieth Century. Chicago, IL: F.J. Schulte and Company, 1890.
"The Coming Republic" In New Zealand As I Have Found It; or, the Harro-ing Experiences of a Settler at the Lake, Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, New Zealand: Kelly and Baulf, 1890.
Common-Sense Country. London: James Tochatti. "Liberty" Press. Liberty Pamphlets, 1890.
Concealed for Thirty Years Being the Narrative of Edward Grey. London: Remington, 1890.
The Conditions of Peace. Mt. Lebanon, NY: [Shaker Community], 1890.
The Cosmopolitan Railway. Compacting and Fusing Together All the World's Continents. San Francisco, CA: The History Company, 1890.
The Christ That Is To Be. A Latter-Day Romance. London: Chapman & Hall, 1891.