Nationalism. Or a System of Organic Unity, Individual Equality and Industrial Association, In Place of Our Present State of International [overstamped on cover Industrial] War and Wasting Competition. Manchester, NH: Pub. by the Author, 1891.
A New Aristocracy. New York: Bartlett Publishing Co, 1891.
Nineteen Hundred? A Forecast and a Story. London: James Clarke, 1892.
National Life and Character. A Forecast. London: Macmillan, 1893.
Neuroomia: A New Continent. A Manuscript delivered by the Deep. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1894.
The New Arcadia: An Australian Story. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1894.
New Zealand's Great Want. Organisation of Labour. Gore, New Zealand: Published by J.A. Forbes, 1894.
“No Mean City” In In his Mazzini, and Other Essays . New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1894.
The Newest Woman: The Destined Monarch of the World. Vol. Special shilling ed. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Pat Finn, 1895.
A New Eden. London: Ward and Lock, 1896.
A New Industrial Era of Wealth and Prosperity or Social and Other Problems Solved. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: E.W. Cole, 1897.
The New Gulliver. Jamaica, NY: The Marion Press, 1898.
Nequa or The Problem of the Ages. Vol. Vol. 1 of The Equity Library. Topeka, KS: Equity Publishing Company, 1899.
New Orleans in 1950, Being a Story of the Carnival City, From the Pen of a Descendant of Herodotus, Possessing the Gift of Prescience. New Orleans, LA: A.W. Hyatt & Co, 1899.
The No-Din': Romance, History and Science of the Pre-Historic Races of America and Other Lands With Illustrations. Christy, MO: Published by the Author, 1899.
The Nineteenth Century; A Dialogue in Utopia. London: Grant Richards, 1900.
"A New Century Girl: A Dream of the Housewife's Guild" In New Zealand Illustrated Magazine. Vol. 4., 1901.
A New Religion. (For Circulation among Adults only). Auckland, New Zealand: Ptd. by Albert Spencer, 1901.
The Natural Man: A Romance of the Golden Age. Newark, NJ: Benedict Prieth, 1902.
The New Republic. New York: Abbey Press, 1902.
No Rates and Taxes; A Romance of Five Worlds. Bristol, Eng.: J.W. Arrowsmith, 1902.
The New Epoch As Developed by the Manufacture of Power. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1903.
The Napoleon of Notting Hill. London: John Lane: The Bodley Head, 1904.
Nutopia; or, Nineteen-Twenty One. London: Henry J. Drane, 1908.