Labor As Money: A Story With a Purpose. Presenting a Practical, Automatic Currency of Stationary Value, Contracting and Relaxing According to the Demands of the Country for Exchange. Boston, MA: Arena Publishing Co, 1894.
The Land of the Changing Sun. New York: Merriam Company, 1894.
"The Land of the Hereafter" In St. Paul's (London)., 1894.
The Lords of Misrule; A Tale of Gods and of Men. Chicago, IL: Laird and Lee, 1894.
A League of Justice or Is It Right To Rob Robbers?. Boston, MA: The Commonwealth Society, 1893.
"Leeward Land. An Account of a Visit to the United States of America in 1992" In San Francisco Chronicle., 1893.
Looking Within. The Misleading Tendencies of "Looking Backward" Made Manifest. New York: A.S. Barnes, 1893.
Looking Ahead! A Tale of Adventure (Not by the Author of "Looking Backward"). London: Henry & Co, 1892.
"Looking Forward" In Belford's Monthly and Democratic Review . Vol. 8.47., 1892.
Looking Upwards; or, Nothing New. In Two Parts.--Part I. The Up Grade: From Henry George Past Edward Bellamy on to Higher Intelligences. Auckland, New Zealand: H. Brett, 1892.
The Lost Island. Cincinnati, OH: Fels Fund of America , 1892.
Labor Town. An Address Delivered by Frederic Jones to the Presidents and Secretaries of New South Wales Trades Unions at the Temperance Hall, Sydney, September 15th, 1891, Mr. P.J. Brennan in the Chair. Vol. Cover says 2nd ed. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Printed by Higgs & Townsend, 1891.
Laws & Habits of People Who Live in Other Worlds. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Hector Ross, 1891.
Looking Beyond. A Sequel to "Looking Backward" by Edward Bellamy, and An Answer To "Looking Further Forward," by Richard Michaelis. New Orleans, LA: L. Graham and Son, 1891.
The Lost Colony. Philadelphia, PA: T.B. Peterson & Brothers, 1891.
"Lady Gwen, or, The Days That Are To Be" In Cymru Fyad. Vol. 3.3 - 4.2., 1890.
"The Last Sinner" In Overland Monthly. Vol. 2nd ser. 15.90., 1890.
A Leap into the Future; or, How Things Will Be. A Romance of the Year 2000. Albany, NY: Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers, 1890.
Life in the Stone Age: The History of Atharael, Chief Priest of a Band of Al-Aryans; An Outline History of Man. Written Through the Mediumship of U.G. Figley. Defiance, OH: U.G. Figley, 1890.
Life in Utopia; Being a Faithful and Accurate Description of the Institutions that Regulate Labour, Art, Science, Agriculture, Education, Habitation, Matrimony, Law, Government, and Religion in this Delightful Region of Human Imagination. London: Authors' Cooperative Publishing Company, 1890.
Looking Backward; and What I Saw. Vol. 2nd ed. [Minneapolis, MN]: [Harrison and Smith], 1890.
"Looking Forward" In Liberty (Boston, MA) . Vol. 7.13 ., 1890.
Looking Further Forward; An Answer to Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally, 1890.
“Looking Rearward” In Liberty (Boston, MA) . Vol. 6.26 (158)., 1890.